A Blonde Shows Us How To Do Math The Right Way

Humor comes in many forms, and while some jokes can be a tad controversial, they often provide a good laugh. For instance, jokes about blondes might be a bit clichéd, but they still manage to make people laugh without causing too much offense—brunettes and redheads usually take them in stride.

If you haven’t heard a good joke in a while, then it’s time to enjoy a light-hearted chuckle. The joke we have today might not make you laugh out loud, but it should definitely put a smile on your face.

Everyone has their own taste in humor, but occasionally, you come across a joke that’s universally funny. That’s what we’re sharing with you today, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy it.

Picture this—A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead all show up for the same job interview.

The brunette is the first one to be called in. After filling out some forms and answering a few questions, the interviewer poses a final question:

“How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES’?”

The brunette thinks for a moment and then confidently replies, “One.”

The interviewer thanks her and says he’ll be in touch after interviewing the other candidates.

Next, it’s the redhead’s turn. She goes through the same process and finally hears the same question: “How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES’?” Without hesitation, she also replies, “One.” The interviewer nods and tells her they’ll let her know.

Finally, it’s the blonde’s turn. She answers all the other questions and then faces: “How many D’s are there in ‘INDIANA JONES’?”

She gets a very serious look on her face, starts counting on her fingers, and mutters, “2, 4, 6… hmm… wait… 2, 4, 6… Can I borrow your calculator, please?”

After about 15 minutes of intense number-crunching, she proudly declares, “Thirty-two.”

The interviewer is flabbergasted and asks, “Ok, now tell me, how on earth did you arrive at that number?”

With a big smile, she starts singing: “Daaaa da da daaaa daaaa da daaaa… Daaaa da da daaa daa da daaaa da da… Now sing along, you’ll get it!”