Vivian Jenna Wilson Clears the Air: Elon Musk’s Daughter Speaks Out

Elon Musk’s Estranged Daughter Sets The Record Straight

Elon Musk’s daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, has opened up about her troubled relationship with her father, accusing him of being absent and unsupportive throughout her childhood. The 20-year-old spoke candidly in an interview with NBC News, challenging the tech mogul’s recent comments about her and the transgender community.

“I think [Elon] was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” she said, adding, “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me… I’m not just gonna let that slide.”

Elon Musk’s Controversial Comments

Earlier this week, Elon Musk sparked outrage during an interview with psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, where he misgendered Vivian and blamed her issues on what he described as the “woke mind virus.” He claimed that he was tricked into signing documents for her gender transition during the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I was tricked into doing this. It wasn’t explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs,” Musk said.

Understanding Puberty Blockers

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Vivian debunked Musk’s statements, stating that puberty blockers are not sterilization drugs but rather life-saving treatments for many transgender youth. The Mayo Clinic supports this, explaining that puberty blockers can pause puberty to give youth and their families time to consider their next steps. These treatments do not cause permanent changes and allow for a critical period of exploration and planning.

An Absent Father

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Vivian described her father as rarely present in her life, despite having joint custody. “He was there maybe 10% of the time. That’s generous,” she said. According to Vivian, Musk would often berate her for being feminine and pressured her to appear more masculine from a young age. She gave the example of a road trip where he constantly yelled at her for having a high-pitched voice.

Vivian’s First Public Interview

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Vivian, now a college student studying languages, has largely stayed out of the public eye. However, she attracted media attention in 2022 when she sought court approval in California to change her name and formally cut ties with Musk. “I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape, or form,” she declared in her court filing.

Vivian’s Response on Social Media

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When Musk recently deadnamed her on social media, Vivian took to Threads to refute his claims, humorously and pointedly debunking his statements. “This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever,” she wrote.

She added, “He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there… I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness.”

Vivian’s Struggles and Triumphs

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Describing her transition, Vivian explained that she came out twice in her life: first as gay in eighth grade and then as transgender at 16. Through it all, her mother, Justine Musk, has been a pillar of support. “I love her a lot,” Vivian said.

Despite Musk’s claims that he was tricked into consenting to her treatment, Vivian clarified that every step was transparent and informed. She emphasized the lifesaving impact of puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy, saying, “They save lives. Let’s not get that twisted.”

A Supportive Mother

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Vivian recalled how her mother was supportive of her request for treatment, unlike Musk who required extensive persuasion. She described texting him for months before he finally agreed to meet in person and sign the necessary documents. “He was not by any means tricked. He knew the full side effects,” she stated.

Pushing Back Against False Narratives

Image Credits: vivllainous

Vivian continued to challenge Musk’s narratives, pushing back against his labeling of gender-affirming care as “child mutilation.” She stressed the importance of such care in allowing transgender individuals to live fulfilling lives without the debilitating effects of gender dysphoria.

In her recent social media posts, she mocked Musk’s portrayal of her childhood and dismissed his efforts to frame her as a stereotype for his own benefit. “I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me,” she stated, emphasizing her independence and strength.

Vivian’s Message to the World

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Vivian concluded by encouraging others to stand up for their truths and not let false narratives define them. “My life should be defined by my own choices,” she asserted, sending a powerful message of resilience to those who might be facing similar challenges.