She Is Furious Because Her Boyfriend Keeps ‘Forgetting’ His Credit Card When Eating Out

When we are in a relationship, we hope for trust in all matters, including finances. Unfortunately, not everyone is deserving of that trust.

A woman realized this during her relationship when she noticed a troubling pattern after a few months. Every time they went out for a meal, her boyfriend conveniently forgot his credit card.

The situation became increasingly frustrating, and she felt unsure of how to handle it. Seeking advice, she turned to Reddit to express her feelings and gather perspectives on her predicament.

“I have been dating my boyfriend, he’s 36, for 9 months. He has two little children who enjoy dining out. We go out weekly, and without fail, he forgets his credit card, leaving me to pay since the kids are with us. This has left me financially strained over the past two months.”

“I received my paycheck from my second job, a part-time gig, and reminded him via text not to forget his credit card before our planned outing with the kids. He laughed it off,” she continued.

“We arrived at the restaurant, ordered dinner, and he allowed the kids to pick several expensive items from the menu. Before the meal arrived, I asked about his credit card to ensure he had it. He looked shocked and searched his pockets before admitting he forgot it at home.”

“Feeling frustrated, I grabbed my things and stood up. He panicked and asked where I was going. I told him I wouldn’t pay ‘this time AGAIN’ and left him and the kids to enjoy their dinner. Naturally, he was upset and later called to berate me for abandoning them.”

“He accused me of being unsympathetic and selfish, arguing that I should have shown more compassion for him and the kids. This situation escalated into an argument, with him saying he needs to reconsider our relationship based on how I treated the children and let them go hungry.”