A Little Old Lady Who Was Very Spiritual

Once upon a time, in a lovely neighborhood brimming with character, lived a sweet little old lady, deeply spiritual and unwavering in her faith. Every morning, like clockwork, she’d step out onto her quaint, sun-dappled porch, lift her frail arms to the heavens, and proclaim, ‘Praise the Lord!’

Now, everyone loves a bit of enthusiasm in the morning; it can be quite infectious. Or, rather, it can draw counter-currents. Enter her new neighbor – an atheist who recently moved into the house next door. From day one, he found her boisterous daily declarations less charming and more grating. Missing his morning coffee jolt wasn’t helping either!

After weeks of this unapologetic praise echoing through the neighborhood, he’d had enough. In a huff, he stormed out onto his own porch and retorted loudly, ‘There is no Lord!’

Resilient and steadfast, the little old lady paid no mind. She continued with her praises, unabated by her unbelieving neighbor’s attempts to shake her faith. But life, in its ever-entertaining wisdom, decided to turn the tables.

It so happened that our dear lady fell upon hard times. Her voice, usually strong in faith, trembled one morning as she prayed, ‘Help me, Lord. I have no more money, it’s bitterly cold, and I have no more food.’

The sun rose the next day, brimming with a promise she wasn’t quite expecting. As she stepped out onto her porch, what should she find but three hefty bags of groceries. Enough to tide her over for a week. Her eyes twinkled with joy as she raised her arms once more to the heavens and exclaimed, ‘Praise the Lord!’

From behind the bushes, her atheist neighbor emerged, a smug grin plastered on his face. ‘A-ha!’ he announced triumphantly. ‘There is no Lord. I bought those groceries for you!’

Without missing a beat, the little old lady raised her arms and cried out, ‘Praise the Lord! He sent me groceries and made the Devil pay for them!’

Life can indeed deliver the wittiest punchlines, don’t you agree?