A Man, a Beach, and a Lamp: A Hilarious Encounter with a Genie

Once a man was walking on the beach and stumbled upon a lamp. Being the curious soul he was, he picked it up. Out pops a genie, shimmering with magical energy, who says, “I will grant one wish for anything you desire.” Oh, the possibilities seemed endless! The man thought for a moment, eyes twinkling with excitement.

Finally, he made his wish. “I would like a bridge from here to Hawaii.” The genie, ever the realist, responds, “I can do that, but it’s going to be quite the project. We’ll need tons of concrete, build foundations out in the ocean, and of course, we’ll require some pretty heavy-duty equipment and advanced engineers.

Sure, it’s possible, but it will be a monumental task. Is there perhaps something else you desire instead?”

The man, still pondering his options, finally speaks up. “Can you tell me everything about women? I want to know what they are thinking, what they want, what they like, what makes them laugh, and what makes them cry.”

The genie, with a knowing yet amused expression, responds without missing a beat, “Would you prefer that bridge to be two lanes or four?”