So there I was, mashing up bananas for bread, when a stray memory of banana bread scones from theKitchn waltzed into my mind. Ever get those moments when your brain switches gears faster than a teenager’s mood? Yep, my banana-bread-loving heart was now torn between its classic comfort and the intriguing allure of scones. I am nothing if not fickle.

Finally, after much internal bickering, I settled on the scones. Meet the scones that wish they were banana bread. It’s like they’re in the midst of an identity crisis. Not that I’m any stranger to those myself. Fun fact: I’ve been grappling with my own identity for months now. Maybe you’ve noticed?

Here’s the scoop. After almost four years of blogging, I thought a name change might sprinkle some fairy dust on my creative process, encouraging growth and breathing new life into this corner of the internet. Silly me, thinking a tweak in the title could work magic. Real change, genuine creativity – those come from deep inside. They’re like the secret sauce you can’t see but makes all the difference. Duh, right?

Long story short, the new name just didn’t get my juices flowing. It felt as exciting as the last slice of stale white bread – you know, that sad piece no one wants. But seeing my original name back on the blog? Pure relief. I was home again. So here’s my vow: No more name changes. Ever. Cross my heart.

Now, let’s get back to those scones, shall we? Picture all the cozy warmth of banana bread but wrapped up in the textured charm of a scone. These aren’t just any scones, though. They come with a delectable brown sugar glaze that outshines any banana bread out there. It’s banana bread’s fancier cousin. Double-batch worthy, trust me.

Craving the delightful mix of banana bread’s charm and the craggy texture of a scone? You’ve come to the right place.


Picture this list: ripe bananas, flour, sugar, and a hint of cinnamon. Oh, and let’s not forget the magical brown sugar glaze. It’s like a party for your taste buds.


First things first, you’ll mix those ripe bananas with your dry ingredients. Then, shape the dough into lovely scones and bake until golden brown. As the intoxicating aroma fills your kitchen, whip up the brown sugar glaze to drizzle on top.