Woman Receives Message From Her Late Son’s Phone

My son tragically passed away six months ago. It’s been tough for me, but my husband kept saying, “We have to move on.” I tried my best, but recently something happened that made my blood run cold. I got a message from my son’s number!

The message was simple: “Help me, Mom.”

My heart pounded as I stared at the screen, unable to process what I was seeing. My hands trembled as I showed the message to my husband. He tried to rationalize it, saying it was probably a cruel prank or a mistake. But deep down, I felt something more was at play.

Ignoring my husband’s pleas for reason, I replied to the message. “Where are you?” I asked, my fingers shaking.

“Cabin in the woods. Hurry,” came the reply.

My heart skipped a beat as I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door. The drive to the woods was a blur, my mind racing with a mix of hope and fear. How could this be possible? Was my son really alive, or was this some twisted trick?

The sun was setting as I arrived at the edge of the woods. The old, abandoned cabin stood eerily silent among the trees, just as I remembered from our family camping trips years ago. I cautiously made my way to the cabin, my breath hitching with every step.

As I approached, I noticed the cabin’s windows were boarded up, but there was a faint light flickering inside. I peeked through a gap in the wood and was completely stunned.

There, in the dim light, was my son. He looked pale and fragile, but he was alive. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to comprehend the miracle before me.

“Mom,” he whispered, his voice weak but unmistakable.

I didn’t waste a second. I found an opening and rushed inside, enveloping him in a hug. His body felt real, warm. I couldn’t believe it.

“What happened? How are you here?” I asked, pulling back to look at him.

He explained that after the accident, he had been taken by a group of people who performed strange experiments. They had faked his death to cover their tracks, but somehow, he had managed to escape and find his way back to this cabin.

My mind was reeling with the information. It was too much to take in, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that my son was alive.

“We need to get you out of here,” I said, helping him to his feet. “We’ll figure everything out later.”

As we made our way back to the car, I felt a surge of gratitude and hope. My son was back, and nothing else mattered. We would face whatever challenges came our way together, as a family.

Back home, my husband was speechless, tears of joy streaming down his face as he embraced our son. Our lives had been shattered six months ago, but now, we had been given a second chance.

We didn’t know what the future held, but we were ready to face it, together.