Father’s Halloween Sign Goes Viral—And Not for the Reason You Think!

A Man Put This Sign Out On Halloween, And Now It’s Going Viral For All The Wrong Reasons

Hold on to your candy bags, folks! We’re diving into a story that’s got the internet buzzing like a swarm of agitated bees. A dad, desperate and perhaps a tad misguided, tried to use Halloween as his Tinder profile. Brace yourselves because you won’t believe the audacity—or the candy selection involved in this saga!

This all began innocently enough with a simple note pinned to the door of one well-meaning but woefully single father. His proposition? If you’re a ‘hot, single mom,’ just drop your number in the candy bowl alongside those Life Savers and Starbursts and voilà! New family dynamic incoming!

You read that right. The note unabashedly declared, “Don’t care how much candy you take, but if you have a hot, single mom, leave her number, love your future dad.” Points for creativity? Maybe. Points for execution? Absolutely not.

While this cringe-inducing note had some moms rolling their eyes, the kids barely gave it a second glance, mostly because—get this—the candy selection was notoriously lackluster. No Reese’s, no Snickers, just a pile of what one might generously describe as ‘grandma’s purse’ candy.

The internet was quick to pounce. “Completely cringeworthy,” stated one savvy critic. Another typed furiously into their keyboard, “Not with that lolly selection.” Ouch! The man’s attempt at mixing trick-or-treating with speed dating was, let’s say, not well-received.

One New Zealand commenter was even more direct: “With lollies like that, I am sure my kid didn’t even read the note properly, she would have just skipped to the next house.” If that’s not a candy burn, I don’t know what is.

The critics didn’t stop there. Another zinger: “You might as well be handing out raisins and precut apple slices with that selection.” That’s some cold-blooded Halloween shade if you ask me.

Among the array of comments, a bemused mother chimed in: “If you are trying to be a kid’s future dad maybe break out the king size or at least Reese’s.” Another mom seconded this motion with, “This wouldn’t work, my kids would clear you out of lollies and bail, better off on Tinder.” The consensus? If you’re looking for love in a hopeless place, step up your candy game first.

And yet, amidst all the ridicule, a glimmer of hope shone through the digital mocking. “Hot single mum here,” one person daringly announced. “Looking for a hot single dad.” Another followed with a playful, “Damn, we needed this one. I would have left your number permission or not.” Maybe, just maybe, love isn’t entirely absent from this spooky equation.

So, there you have it. A Halloween that didn’t just bring out the goblins and ghouls but also showcased a dad’s desperation and some of the internet’s most brutal candy critiques. Whether or not this man found his hot, single mom remains a mystery. One thing is for sure: next Halloween, he’ll need to rethink both his romantic strategies and his candy stash.

As a parting piece of advice from Mary, the resident expert in all things life and love: “If you’re going to shoot your shot, at least make sure you’re aiming with something worth aiming for. No one ever won hearts with Life Savers and Starbursts—trust me on this.”