Kat Von D Shocks Fans by Blacking Out Most of Her Tattoos: A Bold New Chapter

Brace yourselves, folks, because the tattoo world has been flipped upside down! If you thought you knew Kat Von D, well, think again. The iconic tattoo artist and former star of “LA Ink” has stunned us all by deciding to cover her intricate tattoos with—you guessed it—black ink! But why, you ask? Let’s dive into this jaw-dropping transformation.

Kat, who has been a household name in the tattoo industry for years, took to Instagram to document her daring journey. Imagine the dedication—17 sessions and almost 40 hours under the needle, and she’s nowhere near done! Sharing a video, Kat revealed her left side, now a sleek black canvas, while her right side still whispers of her vine tattoo days. Curious about the tools and techniques she’s using? Kat’s video gives you a backstage pass into the nitty-gritty of this bold endeavor.

In her own words, Kat Von D has been commuting to Philadelphia, working with the talented tattoo artist @hoode215 at @blackvulturegallery. They’ve already clocked in about 80% of this painstaking process. Addressing the inevitable backlash and curiosity head-on, Kat clears the air about her motivation and why she eschewed the common method of using white ink over black for a more ‘natural’ cover-up.

So, what’s the big deal, you wonder? Kat’s decision isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s deeply personal. Her tattoos are relics of a past she no longer identifies with—turns out, our inked-up queen has undergone a spiritual makeover as well. That’s right, Kat has converted to Christianity, a change she publicly embraced with a baptism video posted online last October. And, oh boy, was there a backlash!

Kat was met with criticism, particularly from the Christian community, for not fitting the ‘expected’ Christian mold. Let’s talk about judgmental, huh? Despite this, she held her ground, sharing that her aesthetic choices don’t undermine her spiritual sincerity.

Kat’s spiritual journey didn’t stop at baptism. She publicly distanced herself from her previous lifestyles, deep-sixing her collections of witchcraft and occult books. She’s on a mission to surround herself—and her family—with