There’s a saying that pictures are worth a thousand words. But they can also be a source of fun and mental exercise, especially when it involves picture puzzles. We’ve got a delightful challenge for you!
When was the last time you challenged your mind and eyes simultaneously? Today, you can do both with this unique puzzle that will truly test your observational skills.

Puzzles have been part of our lives for as long as we can remember. Whether it’s jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, or any other type, regularly engaging in puzzles can have many benefits.
In the image here, you’ll need a sharp eye to spot the mistake. There’s something off in the picture, and it’s your job to find out what it is.
Solving this puzzle requires a clever mind. It might not be an IQ test per se, but you’ll need some sharp skills to figure it out.
And the twist is, once you discover the answer, you’ll probably wonder how you missed it in the first place. Take your time, scan the picture attentively, and see if you can uncover the mistake.
Some people have success by scanning from right to left or left to right. Others divide the picture into sections, searching for anything that stands out.
Ready to know the answer to this intriguing puzzle? Here it is!
The lamp in the picture is not plugged in, yet it’s still working!

If you spotted this on your own, kudos to you! You certainly have a keen eye and can proudly share this with your friends. Share the puzzle with them and see how they fare!