Woman’s Astonishing Near-Death Experience Takes Her to Heaven

Julie Poole, a woman who has endured and overcome immense challenges in her life, emerged with a remarkable story to tell. She claims to have died and journeyed to heaven, an experience that forever changed her perspective on life.

Woman Claims To Have Spent 'Three Days In Heaven' After Near Death Experience

A Life Marked by Adversity

From a young age, Julie faced mental, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Despite these severe hardships, she managed to find solace and develop her own spirituality. Today, she works as a spiritual empowerment coach, sharing her journey and insights with others.

An Unexpected Encounter with the Divine

In her darkest moment, Julie attempted to take her own life in her twenties. While she didn’t truly die, she vividly remembers entering a spirit realm where she received profound visions of humanity’s future. Some skeptics argue that her experience may have been influenced by the drugs she had taken. However, many remain open to hearing her story and reflecting on its deeper meaning.

Guided by Higher Beings

Julie recounts seeing her guides and angels surround her, lifting her towards the Higher Realms. Filled with a sense of homecoming, she was told that it was not yet her time. These celestial beings warned her of the overwhelming challenges she would face in the future.

A Glimpse into a Golden Age

Upon her return to her earthly body, Julie recalls her guides’ message about an imminent Golden Age. They revealed that between 2012 and 2032, a new era would dawn, redistributing power evenly among the people. This revelation left Julie with a sense of impending reckoning, a transformative period she describes as a modern-day Armageddon, where only those with pure hearts will thrive.

Open Minds, Different Beliefs

It is important to approach Julie’s account with an open mind, considering both her personal struggles and the substances present in her near-death experience. Individuals must make their own judgments, but a word of caution is due. Placing unwavering trust in any one narrative may lead us astray. After all, truth always resides in the eye of the beholder.