A Stupid Answer for a Stupid Question (Funny Story)

Have you ever been asked a really silly question? I bet most of us have. But what if I told you that there’s a secret to dealing with such questions? It’s simple: give them a stupid answer!

A Stupid Answer For A Stupid Question

Let me share a funny story with you. One day, as I was sitting in my car, a couple of cops walked up to me. They asked, “Would you like to step out of the car?” Now, instead of giving a serious response, I decided to follow my mother’s advice.

I looked at them with a mischievous smile and said, “No, thank you. I prefer sitting right where I am. It’s quite comfortable.” The cops were taken aback by my unexpected answer. We all shared a laugh, and they let me go without any further questions.

But silly questions don’t just come from cops. In fact, one of the funniest instances I’ve heard of happened in a classroom. The teacher asked a student, “How many kidneys do we have?” Not missing a beat, the backbencher student confidently responded, “Four!”

Everyone in the class burst into laughter, including the teacher. He was one of those teachers who enjoyed pointing out his students’ mistakes and making them feel demoralized. Trying to embarrass the student even further, the teacher then said, “Bring a bundle of grass, because we have a donkey in the room,” pointing to a frontbencher.

Not wanting to miss out on the fun, the backbencher student added, “And for me, a coffee!” This made the class erupt with laughter once again. However, the teacher was not amused. He was furious and kicked the student out of the room.

But here comes the best part. As the student was leaving, he had the audacity to correct the teacher. With a smirk on his face, he said, “You asked me how many kidneys ‘we have.’ We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass!”

The whole class burst into laughter again, and the student walked away triumphantly. It just goes to show the power of giving a silly answer to a silly question. Not only does it lighten the mood, but it also allows us to have a little fun at times.

So, the next time someone asks you a really dumb question, remember my mother’s advice: give them a stupid answer. Who knows, it might just brighten up their day and yours too!