Hunters Find Surprising Discovery in Alabama

A group of hunters in Alabama had an unexpected surprise during their recent hunting trip. They spotted what they thought was a magnificent 8-point buck, but as they got closer to the animal, they quickly realized something was off. It didn’t have any male genitalia. Curious and perplexed, they decided to contact the Alabama Department of Conservation to report their discovery and learn more about this unusual find.

Chris Cook, a coordinator with the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division’s Deer Program, was intrigued when he heard about the doe with antlers. While he had encountered deer that looked like does with antlers before, none of them had a full set like the one these hunters had encountered.

Reports of such animals are not uncommon in Alabama, according to Cook. He explained that while these deer may appear externally like does, it is not physically possible for them to be fully functional does with antlers. The ones he usually hears about are those with antlers covered in velvet, indicating that they have enough testosterone to start antler growth but not enough to complete the cycle.

Matt Kelley, one of the hunters, vividly described the moment they discovered the missing testes while skinning the deer. It turned out that the deer was not even chasing a doe, but walking behind one. The behavior of this pseudohermaphrodite deer was truly astonishing. It exhibited typical buck behavior, such as lip-curling, despite not having a complete set of male reproductive organs.

This pseudohermaphrodite deer is a rare find. Only 0.1% of the deer population consists of does with functioning reproductive organs and antlers. These unique animals do not have fully developed male or female organs but possess underdeveloped testes that are large enough to produce testosterone and facilitate antler growth.

An analysis by the state’s department confirmed that this deer, with its 8-point antlers, weighed 175 pounds. Two of the antler points were kickers at the base. The animal was hunted in Sumter County, near the Alabama border with Mississippi, about 130 miles west of Montgomery.

This incredible discovery is a testament to the wonders of nature. Even experienced hunters like Kelley and his group were left in awe by this unique deer. It serves as a reminder that there is always something new and unexpected waiting to be discovered in the great outdoors.