Jane Fonda Embraces Life and Speaks Frankly About Death

Jane Fonda, the iconic 85-year-old actress, has had a long and illustrious career in the spotlight. Though she continues to work, she recognizes that she is in the twilight of her career. While some fans may be concerned about her advanced age and health scares, Fonda herself has openly discussed her feelings about death, revealing that she is not afraid.

Jane Fonda, 85, admits she's "ready" to die in statement

Having spent almost her entire life in the public eye, Fonda is now on a mission to use her remaining time on Earth to advocate for important causes. During a recent interview, the beloved star of “Grace and Frankie” stated that she is not afraid of death, but acknowledges that she will be gone “sooner rather than later.”

In September of last year, Fonda announced that she had been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, she candidly expressed that she won’t be around for much longer. Fonda understands the reality of her age and the limited time she has left.

Jane Fonda

However, Fonda’s cancer diagnosis hasn’t dampened her spirit. In fact, she feels blessed and fortunate to have been responding well to her chemotherapy treatments. In a December post on her website, she happily shared that her cancer is in remission and she can discontinue chemotherapy.

Even though Fonda is grateful for her improved health, she maintains that she has no fear of death. She sees it as the next adventure and embraces it with an open heart. During an appearance on “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace,” she expressed that she isn’t scared of dying. What truly frightens her is reaching the end of her life with regrets and no time to make amends.

Reflecting on her life, Fonda admits to having very few regrets. However, when it comes to her role as a mother to her children when they were younger, she wishes she could have been different. She praises her children for their talents and intellect, but laments not knowing how to be the best mother to them during their earlier years.

Jane Fonda has touched the lives of so many with her talent and activism. When she eventually bids farewell to the world, she will be dearly missed by countless fans, myself included. Are you a fan of Jane Fonda too? Let us know in the comments box below! And don’t forget to share this article on Facebook to celebrate Fonda and her incredible body of work!