The World’s First Millennial Saint: Carlo Acutis

When we think of saints, we usually imagine figures from centuries ago who have long since left this world. But the latest news on impending sainthood might surprise you – it could go to someone who passed away fairly recently! Let’s dive in and learn more about the world’s first millennial saint.

Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager, has been cleared by Pope Francis to become the church’s first millennial saint. Carlo sadly lost his battle with leukemia in 2006 at the young age of 15. What sets Carlo apart is his remarkable computer skills and how he used them for his faith, earning him the title of the patron saint of the internet.

Born in London to Italian parents, Carlo moved to Milan with his family at a young age. His deep love and interest in Catholicism emerged early in life, infecting everyone around him with his passion. At just 7 years old, his dedication inspired his mother, Antonia Acutis, to rejoin the church. Even as a child, Carlo would attend mass every day, showing his devotion to his faith.

Carlo had a calling to serve others, and he always found ways to help the less fortunate. He would often donate to homeless people and seek out opportunities to spread kindness. In the months leading up to his passing, Carlo used his self-taught computer skills to create a website focused on achieving miracles.

After Carlo’s untimely death, his mother received countless messages from people all over the world. They shared stories of medical miracles they had experienced after praying to her son, ranging from cancer cures to overcoming infertility. Carlo became known as the answer to the dark side of the web, with some admirers referring to him as an “influencer for God.”

According to his mother, Carlo’s life shows us how the internet can be used for good, spreading positivity and faith. His journey towards canonization began in 2020 when the Diocese of Assisi, where his family owned property, petitioned the Vatican to recognize him as a saint.

In February 2020, Pope Francis attributed the healing of a boy with a malformed pancreas to Carlo after the sick child somehow came into contact with Carlo’s shirt. This miracle marked a significant step towards Carlo’s path to sainthood.

Now, the final step is for the pope to approve a second miracle. The Vatican recently shared a compelling story of a Costa Rican university student who suffered severe injuries from a bicycle accident in Florence. Doctors warned her family that survival rates would be low after major brain surgery. However, her mother visited Carlo’s tomb in Assisi and prayed for her daughter’s recovery. Miraculously, the young woman began showing signs of improvement in her breathing, mobility, and speech, surprising the doctors. A CT scan ten days later revealed that the hemorrhage on her brain had vanished, and she was able to be transferred to a rehabilitation facility.

The Pope has expressed his intent to convene a meeting of cardinals to consider Carlo’s sainthood. Although a formal canonization ceremony date has not been announced, the canonization of Carlo as the first millennial saint will undoubtedly be an incredibly significant event. We invite you to share your thoughts on this news in the comments and spread the word among your friends and family.