Woman Was ‘Dead’ For 27 Minutes, But As Soon As She Woke Up She Scribbled A Spine-Chilling Message…

A Spine-Chilling Message From Beyond

In a miraculous turn of events, Tina Hines cheated death and, upon awakening, left a bone-chilling message for her loved ones. Last year, Tina and her husband Brian were all set for a hike near their home in Phoenix, Arizona. Tina had always been in good health, but right as they were about to embark on their adventure, she collapsed.

Brian immediately sprang into action, kneeling beside his wife, who had turned a deep shade of purple. He performed CPR on Tina to revive her. She briefly regained consciousness, but Brian had to perform CPR multiple times before the paramedics arrived.

During the terrifying ambulance ride and subsequent treatment, Tina’s heart stopped a total of six times. It was a harrowing experience that lasted for a total of 27 minutes. Tina was intubated at the hospital and unable to speak, but as soon as she woke up, she motioned for a pen. What she scribbled down was both mysterious and profound – “it’s real.”

Tina insists that her message refers to the glimpse of heaven she experienced during her time “dead” after suffering from a severe cardiac arrest. She described the colors she saw as vibrant and recalled seeing a figure standing in front of dark gates with a radiant yellow light behind them, whom she believes to be Jesus.

Although Tina was unable to communicate verbally, she nodded when her loved ones asked her if her experience was real. Her story is a source of inspiration and gratitude for being alive to share it.

When it comes to cardiac arrest outside of a medical facility, the survival rate is incredibly low, with almost 90% of patients not making it. However, thanks to Brian’s swift CPR, Tina’s life was saved. Bystander CPR increases survival rates for cardiac arrest to over 45%, as opposed to only 10% without it (although women are less likely to receive CPR from someone other than a paramedic).

Cardiac arrest is often unexpected and can have fatal consequences. Even individuals like Tina, who have no history of cardiac issues or other health problems, can experience an unforeseen electrical malfunction that stops their heart. Over 356,000 people in the US are affected by this terrifying condition each year.

According to studies on Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), most people do not recall any memories from the time they were technically dead, but 10 to 20 percent report visual or sensory experiences during their brush with death. Scientists are starting to unravel the mysteries of what happens in the brain when the heart stops beating.

A study conducted on rats at the University of Michigan in 2013 observed a surge in brain activity just before each animal died during a sudden cardiac arrest. The researchers described this surge as a highly aroused and synchronized brain activity, almost as if the brain was hyperactive.

This suggests that individuals who have near-death visions, especially those that align with their beliefs about the afterlife, may experience them due to a surge of conscious brain activity during the initial moments after death. However, more research is needed to provide definitive scientific proof.

While the lettering in Tina’s message may have been difficult to decipher, her family believes the message was clear – that paradise is a real place. This extraordinary story is worth sharing with your family and friends to inspire and uplift them.