Richard Gere: A Father’s Influence that Lasts a Lifetime

Richard Gere and his father

Richard Gere, the renowned Hollywood actor, attributes his success and values to his father, whom he considers his real-life hero. Growing up on a farm in Syracuse, New York, Richard learned the importance of family and hard work from his parents, Homer and Doris Gere. Despite their limited financial resources, they provided their children with the best education possible, nurturing their interests and talents. Richard’s deep appreciation for his father’s guidance and generosity continues to shape his own journey as a father.

A Foundation Built on Love and Support

Richard Gere's parents

Homer and Doris Gere raised Richard and his four siblings with love and instilled in them lasting principles. Despite the challenges of a large family, they ensured that their children had everything they needed to thrive. They encouraged their interests and even hired instructors to help develop their talents. Richard fondly remembers their sacrifices, saying, “We didn’t have much growing up, so it was amazing how much work it took to get music teachers and an education.”

Homer Gere: A Role Model of Compassion

Richard Gere and his father

Richard’s father, Homer, had a profound impact on his life. Homer was a passionate person who always went out of his way to help others, even strangers. He started a Meals-On-Wheels program in their hometown and remained committed to it throughout his life. Richard recalls how his father’s desire to make a difference inspired him. Whether it was through financial support or simply offering a hug or a smile, Homer believed in the power of helping others. His selflessness became a guiding principle for Richard as he embraced fatherhood.

Carrying on the Legacy

Homer Gere Sr. delivering meals

Meals-On-Wheels America, a nonprofit organization that supports independent and dignified living for older adults, became Homer’s passion. He believed that by filling someone else’s need, one could bring joy and fulfillment to their own life. Richard shared a heartfelt conversation with his father about his motivation for volunteering. Homer’s response was simple yet profound: “You can’t help but feel good about your life when you see someone else gain anything from it.” These words resonated deeply with Richard and continue to inspire him to this day.

A Late Start to Fatherhood

Richard Gere and his son

Richard’s journey to becoming a father began later in life. After failed marriages, he found love again with Carey Lowell, an actress. Together, they welcomed their first child, Homer Gere II, named after Richard’s father. Richard embraced fatherhood with great joy and described his son as “the joy of my life.” Despite the challenges that arose in his marriage, Richard remained dedicated to his family and made them his top priority.

A Lasting Bond

Richard Gere and his father

Throughout the various phases of his life, Richard remained devoted to his father, Homer. He continued to support his father’s Meals-On-Wheels initiatives and regarded him as an idol. Their bond remained strong, and Richard celebrated his father’s 100th birthday with a private dinner. Richard’s relationship with his father exemplifies his deep appreciation for the dedication and sacrifices made by the elderly. He carries on his father’s legacy, cherishing family as the most important thing in life.

Richard Gere’s journey as a father reflects the impact of his own father’s love and guidance. From his humble beginnings on a farm to becoming a successful Hollywood actor, Richard values the principles instilled in him by his parents. His devotion to his family and commitment to helping others serve as an inspiration for the next generation. For Richard, family truly is the most important thing in life.