They Are Only Known by Baby Boomers, Are You Aware?

Over the years, Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) have faced a lot of criticism from younger generations – Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. These generations have accused Boomers of environmental destruction, hoarding wealth, political polarization, and being judgmental towards the struggles faced by younger people in today’s America.

However, it’s important to remember that not all Baby Boomers are the same. Each person is unique, and it’s unfair to generalize based on generation alone. That being said, it’s true that different generations often have differing values, which can sometimes lead to conflicts.

But let’s not forget that life in 2023 comes with its own set of challenges, many of which have emerged after the technological revolution. Smartphones have put a device in everyone’s hands, causing new problems to arise. Furthermore, the younger generations’ approach to parenting and their inclination towards outrage have made modern life quite unbearable at times.

It’s not fair to blame Boomers for these issues. They were not the ones who created them. The hyper-connected online world and the obsession with phones are the creations of their tech-savvy children and grandchildren, who can’t seem to put their devices down.

Recently, a Reddit user named AnitaVodkasoda started a conversation on the AskReddit forum, inviting people to admit if there were any things they agreed with Baby Boomers on. The response was overwhelming, with many individuals expressing frustration over the modern-day annoyances caused by technology and social media.

Here are 19 points where people think Boomers got it right:

1. App exhaustion

“I can’t stand businesses that require me to download their app, create an account, and remember yet another password. Especially when the app doesn’t even work properly or has a confusing design.” — Sammy_Henderschplitz

2. Let kids play

“Kids thrive when they have unstructured outdoor playtime. They don’t need organized games or activities. If you take a group of kids to a park and keep an eye on them, they’ll come up with their own creative and interesting ways to play together. We don’t need to micromanage everything.” — HeavyHebrewHammer

3. Pricey concerts

“Concert ticket prices are ridiculously high. And don’t even get me started on the cost of a beer once you’re inside!” — Whatabout-Dre

4. Tip creep

“Why does every business now ask for tips at checkout? And what’s with digital menus? I miss being able to own things like software without having to pay monthly fees. It’s getting out of hand.” — mutualbuttsqueezin

5. Phones at concerts

“People constantly filming concerts on their phones is annoying. I take one picture when the artist comes on stage, then I put my phone away and enjoy the music. Trust me, you’ll never go back and watch those terrible videos with yourself singing off-key in the background. Just live in the moment!” — Used_Eraser

6. Kids online

“Social media is harmful, and children shouldn’t have unrestricted access to the internet.” — horrorflowers

7. Lazy tablet parents

“Parents who let their kids use tablets in public places without headphones and with the volume turned up are just being inconsiderate. If their child can’t be taken out of that shared space for some reason, fine. But otherwise, it’s just trashy behavior.” — kishbish

8. Bring back knobs

“Touchscreens in cars are terrible. Let’s bring back physical knobs and buttons that are easier to use while driving.” — sketchy_painting