Is it wise to ask your partner about their past?

In any relationship, there are certain questions that usually come up at some point. Some may be hypothetical, like what your partner would do in a difficult situation. Others may be more personal, like asking about their past romantic experiences and the number of partners they’ve had. It can be an uncomfortable conversation, but it’s one that often happens, especially between a man and a woman.

Now, let me tell you a funny story about a husband who decided to ask his wife about her past experiences. Make sure to read it till the end because the punchline is hilarious!

The story goes like this: a newlywed couple is lying in bed, and the husband decides to ask his wife about the number of men she has been with. But instead of answering, the wife stays silent, staring at the ceiling. The husband tries again, assuring her that it’s okay to share. Still met with silence, he realizes that he may have upset her and apologizes, expressing his desire for openness and trust in their relationship. Yet, the wife remains silent, leaving the husband feeling defeated. He tries to console her by showering her with affection, holding her closely and giving her hugs and kisses.

Finally, the wife breaks her silence but not in the way the husband expected. With a hint of frustration, she exclaims, “Oh, come on! You’ve made me lose count!”

Isn’t that funny? It just goes to show that sometimes, what you ask for may not be what you want to hear!

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