Unconditional Love from Grandma

Clem was the baby of her family, with two older brothers in their thirties. But it was her grandmother who showered her with unconditional love and affection. Every year, on Clem’s birthday, her grandmother would give her a special gift – a plastic sheep. It became their tradition, and Clem cherished the bond they shared.

When Clem turned 19, her grandmother gave her yet another box. Clem assumed it was another plastic sheep, but this time, she was in for a surprise. As she opened the box, tears welled up in her eyes. Inside was a plastic sheep, just like all the others. But this time, it was different. It was the last one her grandmother had given her before she passed away.

Clem held the plastic sheep close to her heart, overwhelmed by a mix of joy and sadness. She placed it among the others above her bed, where she had kept them all as a reminder of her grandmother’s love. Clem used to wonder why her grandmother insisted on giving her these plastic sheep. She thought maybe her grandmother had a memory condition and forgot she had given them before.

On her 20th birthday, Clem’s mother presented her with another box. Inside was yet another plastic sheep. This time, her mother explained that it was the last one her grandmother ever gave her. Confused and curious, Clem’s older brother, Sheldon, joined her in her room.

As Sheldon watched Clem’s tears flow, he smiled and said, “You really haven’t figured it out yet, have you?”

“Figured out what?” Clem asked, wiping away her tears.

“Look underneath the sheep,” Sheldon replied, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Clem examined the undersides of the plastic sheep. To her surprise, she found numbers and messages written on each one – “I love you,” followed by a different number.

Perplexed, she asked Sheldon, “What does it mean?”

“Check out the last one, and then take the numbers down in order,” Sheldon explained before leaving the room.

Clem followed his instructions, arranging the numbers in the order she had received the sheep. Suddenly, a bank account number appeared before her eyes.

The following day, armed with the account number, Clem walked into the bank. To her amazement, she discovered that her grandmother had been saving money for her since the day she was born. A staggering $120,000 was waiting for her in the account.

But that wasn’t all. The bank consultant informed Clem that her grandmother had also set up a safety deposit box in her name. Eagerly, Clem gained access to the box, finding a heartfelt letter inside.

The letter read:

“Dearest Clem,

You did it! Forgive me for playing this little game, but I wanted to ensure your future without anyone taking the money away from you. You mean the world to me, and I love you more than words can express. I hope this gift brings you joy and opens the door to your dream college. Whenever you miss me, come for tea, my darling.

I love you forever.

  • Nana”

Overcome with emotion, Clem visited her grandmother’s grave, bringing flowers and a cup of tea. As she sipped the tea, she whispered, “Thank you, Nana. You have given me more than just money. You have given me a bright future and the knowledge that I am loved unconditionally.”

And with that, Clem set off to pursue her dreams, determined to make her grandmother proud.