Robin Williams: A Brave Battle Against an Incurable Disease

Robin Williams, a beloved actor and comedian, had been fighting a silent battle during his last months. His widow, Susan Schneider Williams, recently revealed that his death was not solely caused by depression and drug abuse, but by a lesser-known disease called Lewy body dementia.

Robin Williams' life was slipping through his fingers during his final days while he battled incurable disease

Lewy body dementia is a form of dementia that affects the brain, causing a decline in mental abilities and motor functions. It is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood, leading to challenges for both the patient and their loved ones. In the case of Robin Williams, this disease had been silently taking its toll on his life.

In sharing the truth about her late husband’s condition, Schneider Williams hopes to raise awareness and help others who may be going through similar struggles. It is essential to shed light on the reality of Lewy body dementia, ensuring that those affected receive the support and understanding they deserve.

Robin Williams’s Battle Unveiled

Robin Williams, known for his infectious humor and boundless energy, was privately battling Lewy body dementia. This disease gradually robbed him of his vitality, leaving him with a diminished quality of life. While depression and drug abuse were factors in his struggles, it was the relentless progression of Lewy body dementia that ultimately took him away from us.

Understanding Lewy Body Dementia

Lewy body dementia is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by the presence of abnormal protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, in the brain. These deposits disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, leading to a range of symptoms such as cognitive decline, hallucinations, and motor impairments.

The unique aspect of Lewy body dementia is the fluctuation in symptoms, which can vary from day to day or even within the same day. This unpredictability adds an extra layer of difficulty for both the individual with the disease and their caregivers, making it essential to seek professional guidance and support.

Raising Awareness and Offering Support

Schneider Williams’s decision to reveal the truth about Robin Williams’s battle with Lewy body dementia is a brave and selfless act. By sharing their story, she hopes to raise awareness and provide support to others who may be facing similar challenges.

If you or someone you know is affected by Lewy body dementia, it is crucial to seek medical advice and connect with support groups or organizations specializing in dementia care. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources available to help you navigate the complexities of the disease.

Together, let us honor Robin Williams’s memory by spreading awareness and understanding of Lewy body dementia. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this often misunderstood condition.

It’s been more than seven years since the world lost one of the greatest comic minds, Robin Williams. His larger-than-life personality and incredible legacy continue to live on in our hearts. However, his death left many people wondering what could have led such a talented and beloved individual to make such a tragic decision. Today, we finally have the truth about what really killed Robin Williams.

A Man of Laughter and Love

Robin Williams was not only a brilliant comedian but also a genuinely lovely person. He was a family man who brought joy to people’s lives through his iconic roles in movies like Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Aladdin. Both on and off-camera, Robin had a knack for making people laugh when they needed it most.

The Journey of Love

Throughout his life, Robin Williams experienced the ups and downs of love and marriage. He was married three times and had three children. His first marriage was to Valeria Velardi, whom he met while working as a bartender in San Francisco. They had a son named Zack.

After his first marriage ended, Robin married Marsha Garces, his son’s former nanny. They had two children together, Zelda and Cody. Unfortunately, this marriage also ended in divorce.

A Soul Connection

Three years after his second divorce, Robin Williams found his soulmate in Susan Schneider. They first met at an Apple store, and there was an instant connection between them. They got married in 2011 in a modest ceremony surrounded by family and close friends.

Robin and Susan’s love was evident in everything they did. They lived in a beautiful house with a stunning view of the water and the Golden Gate Bridge. However, behind the scenes, Robin was battling his inner demons and facing declining health.

The Struggles Within

Robin Williams’s declining health took a toll on both his personal life and his career. He had difficulty memorizing lines while filming his last movie, Night at the Museum 3. This was a stark contrast to his previous ability to memorize hundreds of lines effortlessly.

Susan Schneider Williams revealed that her husband was losing his mind and experiencing a disintegration of self. He was aware of his condition, but no amount of intelligence or love could stop it. Robin’s struggles affected their relationship, but their love and friendship remained strong.

A Misdiagnosis and Unveiling the Truth

Shortly before his death, Robin Williams was misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. This misdiagnosis led to frustration and further questions about his declining health. Doctors had given him only three years to live.

However, it wasn’t until after his passing that the truth about Robin’s condition emerged. The coroner’s report revealed that he had been suffering from a form of dementia called Lewy body dementia. This devastating illness, combined with anxiety, ultimately took his life.

The Painful Reality

Lewy body dementia is a progressive and fast-acting disease. It was a constant battle for Robin Williams, and he and Susan were both chased by an invisible monster. When Susan finally learned about her husband’s condition, many missing pieces fell into place.

Knowing the name of the disease brought some relief to Susan. It was a validation of their experiences and struggles. Robin’s death was a result of the relentless progression of Lewy body dementia, not just depression as many had initially believed.

A Final Goodbye

On August 11, 2014, Robin Williams was found dead in his home. The cause of death was asphyxia by hanging. Susan Schneider Williams still remembers her last conversation with her husband and the plans they had made for his neurocognitive testing.

The truth about Robin Williams’s death is heartbreaking. He battled a devastating illness with courage and humor until the very end. His legacy will always be remembered, and his spirit will continue to bring joy to people’s lives.

On the evening before his death, Robin Williams offered Susan a foot massage. Little did she know that this would be one of their final interactions. Susan couldn’t have anticipated what was about to happen and declined the offer. The memory of Robin’s gaze and sad eyes still lingers in her mind.

Robin left the room, returning a couple of times to bid Susan good night. Those simple words, “Good night, my love,” were the last they would ever exchange. In later interviews, Susan shared that she has forgiven Robin and doesn’t hold him responsible for his decision to end his life. She understood that he didn’t have many years left, and those years would have been filled with hardship.

When first responders arrived at their house that dreadful day, Susan stood by Robin’s side, hoping for a miracle. She just wanted to see her husband, to pray with him, and to convey her forgiveness. She told him, “I forgive you 50 billion percent, with all my heart. You’re the bravest man I’ve ever known.” They were living a nightmare, but Susan found the strength to offer forgiveness and love in the face of tragedy.

A Final Farewell

It remains unclear whether Robin’s family held a private funeral for him, but what we do know is that his body was cremated at Monte’s Chapel of the Hills in San Anselmo. On August 21, his ashes were scattered over San Francisco Bay. This beautiful act honored Robin’s deep connection to the area where he had lived for nearly 50 years. It was a place where he found solace and peace.

Robin Williams was not only one of the greatest actors and comedians of his time, but also a remarkable person. His talents brought joy and laughter to millions of people around the world. However, it is important to remember that behind the laughter, there was a man struggling with his own demons.

It’s always a tragedy when someone takes their own life. While we may never fully understand the reasons behind such a decision, it is crucial to recognize the importance of mental health and offer support to those who may be suffering. Let’s keep Robin Williams’s wonderful legacy alive by sharing this article on Facebook and spreading awareness about mental health. Together, we can make a difference.


As we age, our interests and preferences evolve. That’s why it’s important to create content that not only informs but also engages older audiences. In this article, we will discuss how to transform an article while keeping its essential meaning intact and enhancing its appeal specifically for people between the ages of 45 and 65.

Understanding the Audience

Before diving into the transformation process, let’s take a moment to understand our target audience. Older individuals often appreciate friendly and easy-to-understand content that resonates with their life experiences. With this in mind, we can create an engaging article that captures their attention and keeps them interested throughout.

Enhancing the Article

To ensure our article appeals to older audiences, we need to consider various aspects. Let’s explore some key points:

1. Language and Tone

Using simple and accessible language is crucial when targeting older audiences. Avoid technical jargon and complex terms that may be unfamiliar to them. Instead, opt for a friendly and conversational tone that feels like a conversation with a trusted friend.

2. Visual Appeal

Including relevant and relatable images can significantly enhance the appeal of the article. Images that depict older individuals engaging in activities or situations that align with their interests and experiences will resonate well.

3. Consolidating Information

To maintain the attention of older readers, it’s important to present information in a concise and organized manner. Consolidate multiple paragraphs into sections that flow smoothly, allowing readers to grasp the main ideas without feeling overwhelmed.

4. Engaging Headings

Headings play a vital role in guiding readers through the article. Use clear and descriptive headings that pique their interest and give them an overview of what to expect in each section.

5. Personalization

Adding personal anecdotes or stories can make the article more relatable and appealing to older audiences. Sharing experiences that they can identify with helps create a connection and keeps them engaged.


Transforming an article to cater to older audiences involves more than just changing the language and tone. It requires a deep understanding of their preferences and interests. By adopting a friendly and easy-to-understand style, incorporating engaging visuals, and structuring the content effectively, we can create articles that resonate with and captivate this age group. Remember, our goal is to inform, entertain, and create a lasting impact on our readers.