Bryce Brooks: A Heroic Sacrifice

Bryce Brooks, a 16-year-old from Atlanta, tragically lost his life while on a family vacation in Florida. In an act of selflessness and courage, Bryce put the lives of four young children ahead of his own. Seeing the children struggling with powerful rip currents, he immediately jumped into action to help them, not thinking twice about his own safety. This brave act ultimately led to his untimely demise.

Bryce and his friends were enjoying their time in Pensacola when they witnessed the group of younger children being pulled by the strong current. Without hesitation, Bryce, along with two of his friends, jumped into the water to assist them. Even while he himself was being pulled under, Bryce continued to call for help, not for himself, but for the little ones he was looking out for. His father, Shivy Brooks, a teacher, expressed immense pride in his son’s actions.

On April 7, Shivy shared a heartfelt plea on Instagram, asking for prayers as he rushed to be by Bryce’s side in the hospital. Bryce’s mother and close family friend, Charles Johnson II, also known as “Uncle Chuck,” were airlifted along with Bryce. The following day, Shivy sadly announced the passing of his “baby boy” due to cardiac arrest. The pain of losing his hero son was immeasurable, but Shivy found solace in knowing that Bryce had selflessly given up his own life to save others.

Bryce’s tragic story touched the hearts of many, and his father shared the immense pride he felt for his son’s heroic act. Shivy emphasized that Bryce’s sacrifice at just 16 years old exemplified true selflessness and bravery. As a tribute to Bryce’s legacy, the family established the Bryce Brooks Foundation, a charity dedicated to water safety and drowning prevention. The foundation provides free swimming lessons for both adults and children and empowers teens through scholarships for lifeguard certification.

The Bryce Brooks Foundation has already made a significant impact, granting its first six scholarships to help with college expenses. One of the recipients was Johnson’s son, honoring the bravery and sacrifice of the family friend who also tragically lost his life trying to save Bryce.

Bryce’s absence is deeply felt by his family, who continue to struggle with the pain of his loss. Despite their grief, they find comfort and pride in knowing that Bryce saved the lives of four young children. The Brooks family hopes that by sharing Bryce’s story, others will be inspired by his heroism and remember him as the incredible young hero from Atlanta.

Please join us in honoring Bryce’s memory and sharing his inspiring story. Together, we can spread awareness of the importance of water safety and promote acts of bravery and selflessness in our communities.