When I landed my new job, I promised myself I’d keep my head down and avoid drama. Office politics had never been my thing—I was here to do my work, earn my paycheck, and get along with everyone just enough to make the workday bearable. Simple.
I was only a few weeks in when I caught on that Marie, one of my colleagues, was getting married soon. It was hard to miss—the whole office buzzed with excitement about the upcoming wedding. People chatted about travel plans, dresses, and gifts. I didn’t mind that I wasn’t invited. Why would I be? I was the new girl. Weddings are planned well in advance, and she barely knew me. It wasn’t a slight; it was just common sense.
Marie, however, seemed a little awkward whenever the topic came up around me, like she wasn’t sure if she should bring it up or pretend it wasn’t happening. Maybe she thought I’d be hurt, but I wasn’t. I had no expectations, and I made sure to give off that energy whenever the topic came up—a polite nod, a congratulatory smile, nothing more.
Then came the office email from Joan.
Joan was one of those self-appointed office organizers—the type who took charge of birthday collections, holiday parties, and, apparently, bridal showers. She had CC’d me along with the rest of the team about a lunchtime shower for Marie. It was to be held in the breakroom, and they were pooling money for a group gift. Everyone was encouraged to contribute and bring something for a potluck.
Even though I wasn’t going to the wedding, I saw no harm in chipping in. Weddings are a big deal, and if the office was celebrating Marie, I wanted to be part of the team. I sent over $20 via Venmo and replied to the email saying I’d bring lasagna.
About an hour later, my phone pinged with a notification—my $20 had been refunded.
I barely had time to process that before Joan appeared at my desk. “Hey, about the shower,” she said, shifting uncomfortably. “You don’t need to contribute.”
I frowned. “I know I don’t need to, but I wanted to.”
She sighed, looking around as if making sure no one else was listening. “It’s just… you’re not invited.”
I blinked. “What?”
She bit her lip. “Marie doesn’t want there to be any confusion. You’re not going to the wedding, so… we thought it would be best if you didn’t come to the shower, either.”
I stared at her, trying to wrap my head around it. “But it’s in the breakroom. During lunch. Where am I supposed to go?”
Joan hesitated, as if she hadn’t considered that. “You could… just stay at your desk?”
It took everything in me not to laugh at the absurdity of it. “So, while the entire office is celebrating in a shared space, I’m supposed to sit alone at my desk?”
She sighed again. “Look, I don’t make the rules. It’s just that we don’t want you to get your hopes up about the wedding.”
I held up my hands. “I don’t have hopes. I know I’m not invited. That’s not the issue here.”
“Well, it’s been decided,” she said, voice tight. “Thanks for understanding.”
I didn’t understand at all, but I wasn’t about to fight her on it. “Fine,” I said, forcing a smile. “Enjoy the party.”
When the day of the shower came, I sat at my desk as instructed, eating my sad little packed lunch while muffled laughter and the clinking of utensils echoed from the breakroom. It was ridiculous. I wasn’t bitter about not going to the wedding, but being told I couldn’t join a casual office gathering? That stung.
One kind soul—Lisa from accounting—snuck me a slice of cake. She placed it on my desk with a sympathetic look before slipping away.
Halfway through the party, something unexpected happened.
The big boss, Ms. Caldwell, walked in. She rarely worked on Fridays, so her presence was a surprise. She spotted me at my desk and frowned. “Why aren’t you at the shower?”
I hesitated. I could have made something up. I could have said I was swamped with work. But why should I? This wasn’t my doing.
“I wasn’t invited,” I said simply.
Her frown deepened. She looked toward the breakroom, then back at me. “That’s an office event, is it not?”
I shrugged. “Apparently, not for me.”
She didn’t say anything else, just nodded sharply and walked away.
Later that evening, an all-staff email landed in our inboxes. Ms. Caldwell had officially banned office parties during work hours. Any future celebrations would have to happen off-site or outside of working hours.
The fallout was immediate.
People grumbled. Joan and Marie realized exactly why the rule had changed. By Monday, the office atmosphere had shifted. The stolen glances, the hushed whispers, the not-so-subtle cold shoulders—it was clear I had become the villain in their little story.
At first, I wondered if I should have handled it differently. Maybe I could have kept my mouth shut. Maybe I could have come up with an excuse instead of telling Ms. Caldwell the truth.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized—no.
I hadn’t done anything wrong. I hadn’t asked to be excluded. I hadn’t complained. I had just existed, and they had made me feel like an outsider in a space where I should have been included. The shower wasn’t a private event in someone’s home; it was in the breakroom, during work hours. If they wanted a private celebration, they could have arranged one outside the office.
So, no, I didn’t regret it.
If they wanted to treat me like I was invisible, they couldn’t be mad when I didn’t protect them from the consequences.
What do you think? Should I have kept quiet, or was I right to just tell the truth? Let me know in the comments!