‘Relationship Expert’ Wants Parents to Get Baby’s Consent Before Changing A Nappy

In the expansive universe of curious parenting advice, prepare yourself for what might just take the cake! Meet Deanne Carson, a self-proclaimed relationship guru, who has an, shall we say, unconventional perspective on nappy changing. Picture this: You’re a frazzled parent, juggling life, sleep deprivation, and — surprise — trying to gain consent from your bouncing bundle of joy before changing their nappy. Yes, you read that right.

The online world is abuzz, because when someone stands up and shouts from the virtual rooftop with opinions like this, ears tend to perk up. And while the Internet is mostly used to advertise cats and questionable dance moves, it’s also a place for some truly bizarre recommendations to emerge and make us all scratch our heads.

Deanne Carson, who describes herself as a ‘sexuality educator, speaker, and author,’ advocates for this diaper diplomacy. She believes that inviting your tiny tot to nod in agreement or maybe wink twice before you go in for that quick-change act promotes a culture of consent from infancy. Adorable, isn’t it?

But let’s be real. Many parents feel this proposition is akin to asking Mount Everest if it minds being climbed. That is to say — ludicrous! Even though parents respect the gravity of consent, negotiating with your mini-you about a diaper change is quite a stretch.

Navigating the daily reality of parenting seems challenging enough. When was the last time a squirming toddler, armed with a newly adopted creed of consent, politely declined a diaper change? And therein lies the rub, or maybe, the lack of it! Our parenting Sherpa, Carson, suggests observing nonverbal cues and engaging in a sort of charades to gauge when a change is acceptable. I mean, those eyes aren’t just there for silent giggles!

Carson doesn’t stop at the recommendation; she lays out a step-by-step on how to make this theoretical consent a reality in your home. Ready for some baby sign language? Watch for those subtle gestures and poised gazes, because apparently, that’s the face of infant negotiation.


Now, if you’re envisioning sympathetic news anchors trying to keep a straight face while dissecting these declarations, you’d be correct. The reactions range from incredulous laughter to existential pondering. One noticeable question settled among the chaos — what happens when the answer is a resounding ‘no’? Guess someone let that genie out of the diaper bag!


The outpouring of reactions on platforms like Twitter has been nothing short of spectacular. Patricia teetered on the edge, pondering aloud what do to if the baby’s eyes screamed refusal. Another user humorously questioned Carson’s personal experiences with toddler tantrums, because anyone who has tried to wrestle with a streaking toddler could vouch for the futility of expecting verbal assent.


So perhaps this nappy natter initiates a chuckle more than a chorus of nods. But it does open up the dialogue about consent in a unique — if not slightly amusing — way. As parents navigate through the whirlwind of raising tiny humans, conversations like these breathe some levity into the multifaceted adventure of parenthood. After all, aren’t we all just trying to do what’s best for these little nap-ruiners, one consent at a time?