You never quite know what you are going to find out when you watch a talk show. And when it’s a late-night talk show, with top celebrities gracing the stage, you better buckle up for some unexpected revelations. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is no stranger to such moments, captivating audiences with its blend of wit and celebrity charm. Fallon’s secret sauce? An irresistible likability and an uncanny ability to make his guests feel right at home. In the world of late-night TV, that’s the golden ticket to uncovering stories you’d otherwise never hear.
But sometimes, Jimmy takes things in a wildly different direction. Take, for instance, the time Nicole Kidman joined him on stage and they unearthed a nugget of history that left many viewers slack-jawed. You see, this wasn’t the first rodeo for Jimmy and Nicole. They had met before, and oh boy, was it an encounter to remember! As it turns out, Jimmy believed he had a shot at romance with Nicole during that initial meeting. Cue the drama because Nicole had an entirely different take on what went down.

Initially, their chat was breezy and fun, but it quickly veered into territory that made Jimmy squirm like a novice on the dance floor. The poor guy even tried to laugh it off with a theatrical exit from the stage, but anyone could see the rosy hue of real embarrassment coloring his face. At one point, he was practically laying on the interview couch — as if he was ready to spill the beans to a therapist.

Now, why does this story have such universal appeal, you ask? Perhaps it’s because we’ve all stumbled into those cringe-worthy situations we wish we could forget. And just like Jimmy, we’ve often recounted them only to discover that someone else remembers a completely different story. So, why not take a moment to enjoy this escapade yourself? Click play on the interview below — who knows, you might find yourself binge-watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon from now on!