Funny story: Teenage couple argue about next base, then dad steps in

Bob Hope once brilliantly quipped, “I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful.” With that in mind, dear reader, brace yourself for a giggle-inducing tale that might just make any gray day feel a tad brighter, or at least, less awkwardly quiet.

So, let’s set the scene: two love-struck teenagers sharing secretive glances over a lengthy dinner. As the evening draws to a close, this rather cheeky young lad finds himself on the doorstep of his girlfriend’s home, bidding adieu with a kiss that carries more hormones than a teenage drama series.

Now, post-kiss, our young Romeo is not just satisfied—they never are, are they? With a grin that he probably borrowed from a rom-com hero, he dares to suggest they venture into more, shall we say, uncharted territories?

The answer, dear reader, was not what he hoped. She swiftly reminds him of the inevitable peril: “You must be stark raving mad! My parents are just a wall away, snoozing soundly!”

But persistence is his middle name—it must be—as he gestures to the darkness upstairs, convinced that slumber protects them from parental ears: “They won’t hear a thing, who’s awake at this ungodly hour?” he insists, almost as if he’s auditioning for The Persistent Boyfriend role.

The young lady, let’s call her Ms. Wise, imagines the horror if sound travels a bit too well in the house. So Mr. Persistence tries another tactic; he drops to his verbal knees, surrendering his dignity for a glimmer of affection.

“Please?” he mutters with what he thinks is the voice of love itself. Talk show hosts should envy him, really.

But her answer is a solid triple “No” with extra firmness, despite his protests of deep, undying love.

Their whispered argument crescendoes into a comical verbal tug-of-war, right until fate or electricity intervenes, flipping on the hallway light.

And there she is: a sleepy-eyed sister, like a deus ex machina in pajamas, who stumbles onto the scene with a message steamrollered straight from the mouth of Dad.

“Dad says that you should go ahead and do it, or mom can do it. Or if need be, dad says he can come down himself and do it.

“But tell your boyfriend to stop leaning against the intercom!”

When technology and teenage romance collide, hilarity ensues. So, if this little debacle brought even a chuckle or a smile, pass it on to find another’s face to brighten!