No Rent Doesn’t Mean No Respect: I’m Not Your Cleaner

Living with in-laws is like navigating a minefield of unspoken house rules, with the ever-present risk of an explosive argument. Meet Rain, a 19-year-old who bravely ventures into the dense thicket of family dynamics every day, raising a child and constantly clashing with her mother-in-law.

Rain’s poignant letter landed in our inbox, asking for help in her seemingly unwinnable situation:

“My husband and I live with my in-laws because we’re 19 and can’t afford our own place while raising our child. My mother-in-law expects me to clean up after everyone and handle the laundry for the entire family. Let’s be clear: I’m not about to play the role of maid in someone else’s house!”

Rain’s frustration is tangible. She even gave her husband a piece of her mind: “You need to stand up for me, because I’m your wife!”

However, when she returned home the next day, the scene was like something out of a soap opera – her room was emptied, and her closet devoid of belongings. Her suitcase sat ominously by the door, as if mocking her. Rain’s mother-in-law delivered the gut-punch: “If you can’t respect my rules in my house, then you’re no longer welcome.”

The ultimate betrayal, though, came from her husband, who nonchalantly suggested, “Maybe you should take the baby to your parents’ house for a while until things cool down.” One can almost hear the collective gasp of disbelief from every reader. Rain had sacrificed everything to be with him, moving far away from her own family. And what did she get in return? A one-way ticket, back to square one.

Now, Rain is back at her parents’ house, but with added layers of frustration and heartbreak. Her question echoes in the minds of everyone reading: “What should I do?”

Best regards, Rain”