I Told My MIL She Isn’t Allowed at Our Wedding If She Can’t Accept My Daughter

A 25-year-old woman shared her story on Reddit about being engaged to her high school sweetheart, a 26-year-old man. The couple has been together for seven years.

She expressed her deep love for her fiancé and revealed that she gets along well with most of his family members, except for his mother. His mother has been persistently nagging her about not having a biological child.

According to her, this may seem harmless, but her fiancé has repeatedly told his mother that she already has a grandson, whom the mother refuses to acknowledge.

“My little girl (5) is my best friend’s daughter. Tragically, my best friend passed away, and since I was her godmother, it felt right to raise her the way her late mother would have wanted,” she shared.

She and her fiancé have been busy with wedding preparations, including buying bridesmaid dresses. They plan to have their daughter, whom they call Ellie, as the flower girl at the wedding.

Ellie absolutely loves flowers, so involving her in the wedding seemed like the perfect way to make her feel special and comfortable with her new family.

However, the soon-to-be mother-in-law has been making life difficult for Ellie. This has led to continuous arguments between her and OP regarding the child. During a recent family gathering, her fiancé’s mother made hurtful comments about Ellie, saying:

“I simply don’t understand why an adopted child should take the place of a true blood.”

These words enraged OP, and she confronted her mother-in-law, asking her to stop making such comments because she knew how much being part of the family meant to Ellie. “She kept saying I was being rude to my new family,” OP explained.

Feeling even more upset by these remarks, OP exchanged harsh words with her in-law. Her mother-in-law claimed she was verbally harassed and threatened, which OP denied. She left the house with Ellie, and her fiancé later informed her about his mother’s complaints.

In the days that followed, Ellie became upset because she hadn’t seen her cousins at her fiancé’s house. Determined to make amends, OP decided to apologize to her mother-in-law.

Initially, things seemed to calm down, but then OP heard Ellie crying. She rushed upstairs to find her mother-in-law angry and holding Ellie’s cherished teddy bear, which her late mother had made. This teddy bear held significant sentimental value to Ellie.

Furious, OP confronted her mother-in-law in front of the family. Despite feeling embarrassed, her mother-in-law continued to make hurtful remarks, saying she was upset that OP chose “fake blood” over “real blood.”

Heartbroken, OP saw her daughter in tears as her fiancé took the teddy bear and led Ellie away from the scene. Feeling she had enough, OP asked if her mother-in-law had an issue with Ellie being the flower girl. If so, she suggested the mother-in-law skip the wedding ceremony and just come to the reception.

This caused her mother-in-law to cry. While OP felt bad for what she said, she couldn’t bring herself to apologize. She left, and other family members later told her fiancé that OP needed to apologize as they believed her words were harsh.