14 Betrayal Stories That Prove You Can Trust Absolutely No One

We often trust our friends and family with our deepest secrets and feelings, believing they would never deceive us. However, sometimes the ones closest to us can break our hearts in unexpected ways. Here are 14 real-life betrayal stories shared by courageous individuals who decided to let the world know about their experiences.

Story 1:

My daughter-in-law always boasts about her carrot cake, claiming it to be her “specialty.” But there’s always been a weird, bitter taste to it. My son advised me not to mention it and just be polite. One day, I overheard him saying to her, “Mom’s starting to guess you’re adding something to the cake. Try to make the taste less noticeable.”

Curiosity got the best of me, and I snuck into their kitchen. I opened a cabinet and found a box of my depression medications next to a pestle and mortar. I was horrified. After my spouse passed away six years ago, my doctor prescribed those medications for my depression. I took them for a while, but then stopped. My son kept urging me to continue, but I refused. This was their way of sneaking them to me — in my food. They mixed it into my slice of cake covered with extra buttercream and even into my other meals where the taste was less noticeable. When I confronted my son, he said it was for my own good, to make me feel better. Though I appreciate his concern, I still feel deceived.

Story 2:

Last year, I introduced a new friend to our group, and soon everyone became great friends. Now, they all spend almost all their time with this new friend, barely making any effort to include me. They even make plans right in front of me without inviting me. It’s probably time to rethink my friend group. © Fender***9/Reddit

Story 3:

My stepbrother stole nearly $30,000 from my parents and then disappeared. The night before he broke into our safe, I had defended him to my dad. © SpikeCBB / Reddit

Story 4:

I found out that my wife of three months, who I married to help her gain citizenship, had been cheating on me with the best man from our wedding. They have now split up and share a child, while I’m in a happy relationship with someone wonderful. © Yeen_North | Reddit

Story 5:

My girlfriend left me suddenly for my best friend. He lived with three other friends who didn’t support me at all during that tough time. Every free night, I had to choose between being lonely or seeing them together. © GeneralAgrippa | Reddit

Story 6:

When my father unexpectedly passed away when I was 15, my stepmother got most of my inheritance. It was tied up in probate court for eight long years. © Unknown author/Reddit

Story 7:

I idolized a man who was a friend, mentor, and father figure to me. He convinced me to leave my job and work for him, promising promotions and help to achieve my goals. But after I joined, he turned into a different person. He mocked me, gossiped about me, blamed me for his problems, and eventually destroyed my reputation and career. After four years of hard work, I rebuilt my reputation, but I still don’t understand why he did this to me. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. © CosmicCo**ie | Reddit

Story 8:

In middle school, I was sitting with two friends when they started arguing. In the heat of the moment, one of them shouted that he didn’t like me and was only hanging out with me to look popular. © Unknown author/Reddit

Story 9:

Last year, I confided in a friend that I was in a relationship with another man (I’m a guy) and was discovering a new side of myself. A few weeks ago, I found out she had told all our mutual friends. Every single one of them. © w_illest | Reddit

Story 10:

After a year and a half of dating, my girlfriend decided to break up with me via Line, a popular mobile messaging app in Asia. She couldn’t even face me in person. © worthless.***-_-, Reddit

Story 11:

For years, my father promised to help pay for my college education. He even set up a payment plan with the college six months before I left for school. However, I didn’t receive a single penny from him. © missvelvet | Reddit

Story 12:

My ex-boyfriend and my (former) best friend started dating behind my back while I was still with him. We had been together for three and a half years, and I had known him for most of my life. He was someone I trusted completely. It took me a long time to get over the betrayal. © SaltyServitude / Reddit

Story 13:

I was very close friends with a girl named Erin. After five years of friendship, she stopped talking to me when I was going through a tough time. I had been the only one to support her during her struggles with depression and her parents’ divorce. © HurtfulHotty/Reddit

Story 14:

A good friend and I signed a 10-month lease for an apartment. Two weeks later, she decided to move in with someone else without any prior notice. She simply called to inform me she was leaving, even though I hadn’t moved in yet. I had to quickly find a new roommate to afford the rent. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she were a stranger, but we had been friends for years. Her complete lack of remorse made me feel utterly worthless. © Wildkokiri/Reddit