The Most Hydrating Drink in Hot Weather: Water Isn’t Even in the Top 3

When the sun is blazing and temperatures soar, it’s only natural to reach for a glass of water to quench your thirst. We’ve always been told that water is the best way to stay hydrated, right?

But what if I told you that water might not be the best drink to keep you hydrated during those hot summer days? Surprisingly, water doesn’t even make it into the top three most hydrating beverages. Curious to find out what you should be drinking to stay cool and hydrated? Let’s dive in.

The Science of Hydration

Before we discuss beverages that are more hydrating than water, let’s understand what hydration really means. Hydration is about how well your body can absorb and retain fluids. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes, regulating body temperature, and ensuring all your organs function correctly.

While water is essential, it might not be the most effective for long-term hydration. This is because water exits the stomach and enters the bloodstream quickly, which might quench your thirst temporarily but doesn’t provide lasting hydration. That’s where other drinks come into play.

1. Milk: The Hydration Champion

You might be surprised, but milk tops the list as the most hydrating drink. Studies have shown that milk—whether it’s whole, skim, or low-fat—provides better hydration than water. This is because milk contains a high level of electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which are necessary for fluid retention. The natural sugars and proteins in milk also slow down water absorption, helping your body retain fluids for longer periods.

The unique blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in milk also makes it a fantastic post-workout drink. When your body needs to recover and replenish lost fluids after exercise, milk not only rehydrates but also aids in muscle recovery, providing nutrients that water cannot.

2. Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS)

Often used to treat dehydration caused by illness, Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) are incredibly effective at keeping you hydrated. These solutions contain a precise mix of salts, sugars, and minerals designed to quickly replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

The ORS formula is scientifically crafted to optimize absorption in the intestines, making it more effective than plain water. ORS can be particularly useful in maintaining the electrolyte balance and preventing dehydration in hot weather.

3. Coconut Water: Nature’s Electrolyte Drink

Coconut water has become a popular natural sports drink, and for good reason. This refreshing beverage is rich in electrolytes, especially potassium, which is vital for proper fluid balance in the body. Remarkably, coconut water has more potassium than a banana and contains fewer calories and sugars, making it a healthier option compared to many commercial sports drinks.

Because of its isotonic properties—having a similar concentration of salts and sugars as the body’s natural fluids—coconut water is absorbed quickly and efficiently. This makes it perfect for rehydration after a workout or on a hot day. Plus, its natural composition is easier on the stomach, making it suitable for those with sensitive digestive systems.

What About Water?

Although water isn’t the top choice for hydration, it remains essential for overall health. It’s calorie-free, readily available, and necessary for basic bodily functions. Therefore, it should remain a staple in your hydration routine, particularly as part of a balanced regimen that includes other hydrating beverages.

However, in situations where optimal hydration is crucial—such as during intense physical activity, extreme heat, or while recovering from illness—consider supplementing water with milk, ORS, or coconut water to keep your body hydrated more effectively and for longer.


As surprising as it sounds, the most hydrating drinks in hot weather aren’t what you’d expect. Milk, Oral Rehydration Solutions, and coconut water all beat plain water when it comes to keeping your body hydrated and balanced. These beverages not only replenish lost fluids but also provide essential electrolytes and nutrients that water alone can’t offer.

So, the next time you’re sweating or recovering from a workout, think beyond just water. Opt for one of these top hydrating drinks to stay cool, healthy, and properly hydrated. Whether it’s the creamy goodness of milk, the scientifically proven ORS, or the tropical delight of coconut water, your body will appreciate the extra care.