Apollo 8 Astronaut Loses His Life In Terrible Accident

There is a photo that almost all of us have seen and many of us have come across it multiple times. It’s the famous ‘Earthrise’ image, captured while Apollo 8 was orbiting the moon.

William Anders, the astronaut who took that remarkable picture, holds a special place in our memories. Not only was he among the pioneering astronauts to venture into space, but he also gifted us with an iconic image that continues to inspire.

Sadly, Anders has passed away at the age of 90. In a tragic turn of events, his death was not due to natural causes or illness but from an unfortunate accident.

Even at 90, Anders remained very active. He was flying a Beechcraft airplane when something went awry, causing the plane to crash into the waters near the San Juan Islands in Washington state.

William Anders was the sole occupant of the plane and tragically lost his life in the crash. The Coast Guard recovered his body on Friday, June 7, 2024.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson had this to say: “Bill Anders offered to humanity among the deepest of gifts an astronaut can give. He traveled to the threshold of the Moon and helped all of us see something else: ourselves. He embodied the lessons and the purpose of exploration. We will miss him.”

On Christmas Eve in 1968, Anders captured the iconic Earthrise photograph while humans orbited the moon for the very first time, witnessing the mysterious dark side of the moon.

Although Anders never returned to space after that historic flight, he continued his work in the field of aeronautics. In 1969, President Richard Nixon appointed him as executive secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council.

As Nelson noted, Anders made significant contributions throughout his life. “The voyage Bill took in 1968 was only one of the many remarkable chapters in Bill’s life and service to humanity. In his 26 years of service to our country, Bill was many things – U.S. Air Force officer, astronaut, engineer, ambassador, advisor, and much more,” Nelson said.

May he rest in peace.

Learn more about his life in the following video:
