When faced with a neighbor who refused to turn off their blinding floodlights at night, my husband and I had to come up with a creative solution to resolve the problem without causing a confrontation. Instead of approaching our neighbors directly or causing a disturbance, we devised a strategy that not only solved the issue but also kept the peace in our neighborhood.

I clearly remember the day the Thompsons moved in next door. My wife, Gia, and I were pleased because Gia and Susan, our new neighbor, hit it off from the start. They seemed like a nice older couple we could get along with. Susan was timid and had many fears, while Mark, her husband, was often away for work.
Gia shared with me that Susan had a long list of fears, such as snakes, spiders, thunderstorms, and the dark. While we respected her apprehensions, one particular fear soon affected our lives: her fear of the dark led to the installation of bright floodlights over their garage.

At first, we didn’t think much of it. We also had yard lights, after all. But the Thompsons’ lights were extremely bright LEDs that shone directly into our bedroom at night, making sleep nearly impossible. Gia’s first sleepless night prompted her to say in frustration, “They’re just blinding, Anthony. I bet you could see them from space.”
Gia tried talking to Susan, hoping she would understand our situation. However, Susan was adamant. “I need them,” she insisted. “They make me feel safe when Mark is not here.”
Not wanting to cause trouble, we tried various alternatives. We installed blackout curtains and heavy drapes and even rearranged our bedroom furniture, but nothing seemed to work. The piercing light continued to invade our nights, robbing us of sleep.
Eventually, I decided to speak to Susan myself. I tried reasoning with her and even offered to install a timer for the lights, but she wouldn’t budge. Her fear outweighed our need for rest, so the lights stayed on.

I then approached Mark, hoping he might be more understanding. Sadly, he, too, was immovable, prioritizing Susan’s comfort over our disturbance. “These lights make her feel secure, and that’s what matters,” he said.
With sleepless nights stretching on, my frustration grew. I even joked about drastic measures like unscrewing the bulbs or using a pellet gun to take them out. Gia quickly reminded me that escalating the situation was not the answer.
One day, Gia gave me an idea. She and Susan were going out for a while, giving me an hour to do something safe and discreet. So, I grabbed a ladder, snuck over to the Thompsons’ house, and carefully loosened the lights until they flickered and turned off.
That night, the lights flickered and eventually went out, granting us our first peaceful, dark night in weeks. Surprisingly, the Thompsons didn’t seem to notice the next morning. After months of disrupted sleep, we finally got some rest.

But then, one day, I watched Mark outside, tightening the bulbs. That night, the lights blazed back on, brighter than ever. Frustrated but determined, I repeated my trick, and the lights went off again. This battle of tightening and loosening the bulbs continued for over a year—Mark tightened them, and I loosened them back up.
One Saturday morning, while trimming the hedges, Mark casually mentioned the problem. He was puzzled why the lights kept going out and the bulbs loosening, but I stayed calm and suggested it might be the vibrations from the street traffic.
Surprisingly, Mark accepted my explanation and eventually decided the lights weren’t worth the hassle. He thanked me for the suggestion, and we returned to enjoying our peaceful, dark nights.
In the end, our subtle approach helped us solve the problem without causing any friction. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of creativity and patience to maintain harmony while still getting what you need.