Weddings are some of the most memorable and joyous days of our lives. With all the planning, love, and excitement, it’s easy to forget that not everything goes as planned.
Take Jill Haddad Hawkins, for instance. Jill was over the moon about her wedding day. But when she woke up that morning, she felt a bit under the weather and her stomach unsettled.

Initially, she brushed it off as pre-wedding nerves. However, as the day went on, it became increasingly hard for her to even form sentences.
Walking down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress, Jill was in excruciating pain and could hardly stand. Despite this, the wedding photos show a radiant and smiling bride. No one could tell what she was enduring.
Jill held it together for as long as she could. But right after the reception, she knew it was time to seek help. An ambulance was called and she was rushed to the hospital immediately.

It was then that everyone found out she needed emergency surgery. Jill had been concealing a severe pain all day, stemming from a condition she had since she was younger. Even the medical professionals were amazed at her endurance and that she had managed to survive the day.