Discovering infidelity is one of life’s toughest challenges. We never expect our significant other to betray us, but unfortunately, it happens more than we would like.
When faced with a cheating spouse, some people choose to ignore it, while others confront it head-on, hoping that karma will deliver justice.

Here are three stories of individuals who saw karma in action. Did they get what they deserved? You be the judge.
1. Sarah believed she had found her fairy-tale ending with Mark, her doting husband of five years. However, a series of late-night text messages aroused her suspicions. Determined to uncover the truth, Sarah embarked on a secret mission.
What she found was devastating. Mark had been having a passionate affair with his coworker, Lisa. Confronting him with the evidence, the guilt and shock on Mark’s face confirmed everything.
With a broken heart, Sarah walked away, leaving Mark to face the consequences of his actions.

2. Emily’s world was turned upside down when she stumbled upon a hidden box in the attic on a lazy afternoon. Among old photographs, she discovered love letters addressed to her husband, David, from a woman named Rebecca.
Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, Emily confronted David, demanding an explanation. He confessed to the affair, begging for forgiveness. But for Emily, it was too late. She chose to end their marriage, unable to tolerate any more lies.
3. Jenna’s suspicions about her husband, Michael, reached a tipping point, prompting her to hire a private investigator. She needed concrete proof of Michael’s late-night escapades.
The truth was more shocking than she anticipated. Michael was living a double life, juggling multiple affairs. Jenna confronted him, exposing his deceptions to the world.
As the truth unfolded, Michael’s carefully built facade fell apart, and he had to face the consequences of his betrayal.