10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Amish

The Amish people have always been a bit of a mystery. Their lifestyle is very different from the average American. For instance, in December 2022, two Amish girls from New York were kidnapped but thankfully returned home safely. This event raised many questions, including the sect’s prohibition on photos, which required a sketch artist to create an image of the girls. This is just one of many unique aspects of Amish life. Here are ten things you might not know about them.
1. Different Groups within the Amish Community

The Amish community is actually divided into four main groups: the Old Order, the New Order, the Beachy Amish, and Amish Mennonites. Each of these groups has its own subgroups, making the community more diverse than you might think.
2. Unique Customs and Traditions

There are a few universal rules that most Amish follow, such as clothing and hygiene practices. Most wear plain clothing, often in black and white, and instead of buttons or zippers, they use pins or hooks and eye closures. Men generally keep beards after marriage, but mustaches are prohibited.
3. Language Skills

The Amish speak German and English. The Pennsylvania Dutch dialect is becoming less common among younger generations, but they are also proficient in American English, which helps them interact with visitors and customers.
4. No Traditional Parties

While the Amish treasure children, mainstream celebrations like baby showers or gender reveal parties are frowned upon. Religious practices like baptisms are also reserved for when individuals are old enough to choose their faith.
5. The Adventure of Rumspringa

Rumspringa is a period when Amish teenagers are allowed to explore the outside world. This rite of passage lets them decide whether they want to return to their community or live a different life. There are even Rumspringa youth groups that allow them to socialize while exploring.
6. Yes, Amish People Pay Taxes

Contrary to popular belief, the Amish do pay taxes, including income and property taxes. They own businesses and sell goods to the general public. However, they don’t participate in social security as they believe in taking care of their own elderly through the church.
7. Exempt from Military Service and Law Enforcement

The Amish practice