The ‘Hind Lick Maneuver’: A Heroic Tale of Hillbilly Ingenuity

Here’s a tale that’s bound to stick with you like a stubborn piece of gum on your shoe. Two unwashed, hillbilly-charismatic men swagger into a tiny eatery, their zest for life rivaling any fine whiskey they’ve ever brewed.

As they plop down and dive into deep conversation about their covert moonshine shindig, the room becomes their stage. Now, picture this: a woman at the next table is nibbling on a sandwich when suddenly, she’s caught in the grips of a seriously pesky coughing fit.

What starts as a simple cough quickly spirals into a full-on emergency. Concern ripples through the crowd like wildfire as the woman struggles, her face struggling to remain calm.

One hillbilly, eyes full of curiosity and genuine concern, turns to the woman, asking, “Can you swallow?” Her weak shake of the head gives a resounding no.

His follow-up question is even more urgent, “Can you breathe?” Her response, a more desperate shake, reveals a grim truth—she can’t.

Then, with an air of confident authority only a seasoned moonshiner could muster, he strides over. And just when you think he might try the Heimlich maneuver…the universe delivers a twist.

He lifts her dress (yes, you read that right), drops her undergarments, and applies a strategic lick to her right buttock. Yep, you didn’t see that coming, did you?

The result? Pure astonishment. Her body convulses in shock and dislodges the object blocking her airway. Breathe easy, she’s saved—thanks to what can only be dubbed the ‘Hind Lick Maneuver.’

With her airway clear and the crisis averted, the hillbilly nonchalantly returns to his table, mission accomplished. The entire eatery is buzzing, still digesting what just happened.

His partner, equally stunned but ever the wisecracker, breaks the silence with a chuckle, “Well, I’d heard of the ‘Hind Lick Maneuver,’ but seeing it done firsthand is a sight to behold, ain’t it?”

This quirky, almost unbelievable tale quickly becomes the stuff of local legend—a shining example of how sometimes, it’s not about the method, but the results. A riveting reminder that outlandish ingenuity can, and often does, save the day.