When someone wrongs you, the thought of getting a little revenge probably crosses your mind. It’s a natural reaction, though not always the wisest choice.
Revenge, while satisfying, can be risky if it backfires or lands you in trouble. That’s why it’s sometimes better to take pleasure in hearing about others who got their sweet, sweet revenge.

The stories of revenge we’ve gathered here are among the most intriguing we could find. These folks didn’t hold back, allowing us to enjoy their tales of comeuppance vicariously.
Park Illegally? I’ll Get You Towed
“Yesterday I went to Walmart to return faulty ink cartridges (and also because it came with two black inks instead of black, red, yellow, and blue). I saw some jerk double-park his giant truck illegally in the handicapped spots without a blue placard, and another car parked in the no-parking area.
I have a disability, but unless I have a severe MS flare, I can walk, so I don’t usually park in the handicapped spots. This week, it was probably the third time I’d been to that area.
Feeling annoyed and a bit petty, especially because what if someone with a severe disability needed the spot, I decided to call the non-emergency police line and report the violators, providing both plate numbers.
The cops arrived quickly. I explained what I saw, and they confirmed there were no handicap placards for the truck. I went on my way.

An hour later, as I walked out with my groceries, I saw two tow trucks getting the illegally parked vehicles. The owners came out at that moment, yelling. One lady argued, ‘But it’s too far, I’ve only been gone five minutes!’ The guy in the truck claimed the same, but the officer noted, ‘Funny, we got this report an hour ago!’
Then the officer asked the irate truck owner, ‘Do you have a handicap permit? I will let you off with a warning.’ He grumbled, ‘No, do I look like a cripple?’ The officer sighed, wrote him a ticket, and handed it to him.
He turned red and screamed, ‘$2000? Are you kidding me?’ She plainly replied, ‘Take it up with traffic court.’ The other lady got fined $500 for illegal parking, and both vehicles were towed, leaving their owners calling for rides, all angry.
I walked to my car, snickering to myself, and drove home. Moral of the story: don’t park illegally, especially in handicap zones.”
She Didn’t Make An Effort To Hold In Her Anger
“When I was 19, I got a job as the director of a youth soccer league for two months. I thought I had some nice perks, including an ‘office’ in the basement of the city hall, which was really a converted storage room with no door on the entrance. I even had a ‘secretary,’ a woman named Gloria in her early 30s.
Gloria was assigned to help me with typing, copying, ordering, and anything else I needed. She also worked full-time for the city. For those two months, I treated her more like a slave than a secretary.
Several times, I noticed she was angry with me, but she kept quiet because I was technically her ‘boss.’ On my final day, Gloria’s servitude to me ended at noon. Just before then, she came into my office with a brown paper grocery bag and set it on my desk.
She told me she was relieved to be done working with me. Gloria looked at her watch, counted down the final seconds, then pulled out a large chocolate mousse cream pie and smashed it right in my face.
As I sat there covered in pie, Gloria let out all her pent-up anger and frustration, telling me exactly what she thought of me without holding back. When she was done, she walked out. I learned a valuable lesson about treating people I work with. I did apologize, and Gloria accepted but wasn’t sorry for what she did. She thoroughly enjoyed the moment.”
We Just Want A Peaceful Flight
“My two daughters and I were the last to board a Southwest flight from Dallas to Salt Lake with a stop at Albuquerque. Southwest Airlines doesn’t have assigned seating, so only single middle seats were left, scattered throughout the plane.
My 18-year-old daughter took the first seat available, while my 7-year-old and I kept looking for seats together. Finding none, I put my youngest in a middle seat by herself between two unfriendly businessmen, and she started to cry a little, afraid to sit alone.
I was six rows behind her in another middle seat. Because she was upset, I asked the passengers beside her and me if someone would switch so she could sit next to me, but no one agreed.
I texted my older daughter about the situation and turned off my phone for the flight. It was a quiet, tense flight since the men beside me knew they had been unkind. In Albuquerque, the guy in the window seat beside me left, and my little girl came to join me. A seat across the aisle also opened up, and my older daughter came to sit there.
As she walked down the aisle, guys turned their heads to stare at her. She’s quite attractive. She sat in the seat across the aisle, and the first man who had refused to move found himself between us. He was in his mid-20s. I could see him getting ready to strike up a conversation with her until I spoke to her, revealing she was related to us. The realization dawned on him that he had been a heartless jerk, and there was no saving the situation.”