5 Ways To Test Your Man To See If He Actually Loves You Or Is Faking His Feelings For You

1. Observe his behavior.

A man who genuinely loves you will be thrilled to be your companion and often hold your hand or hug you, even in public. Seeing you will bring a genuine smile to his face and lift his spirits when he’s feeling down. He’ll find it tough to look away from you, constantly surprise you, and always be there to protect you.

2. Notice his comments or compliments.

Is your man considering you when he makes plans? If he truly loves you, he’ll use “us” or “we” instead of “I” or “you.” Pay close attention to his compliments as well. A man deeply in love might say something like “You always make me happy,” instead of just commenting on your haircut. This shows he genuinely cares about you. He will trust you with his life and won’t hesitate to share his deepest secrets. He’ll always seek and value your input.

3. Pay attention to his efforts.

If he truly cares about you, he will go out of his way to help, no matter how small the task. He’ll do his best to be there for you in every way possible, encouraging and supporting you to achieve your goals.

4. Pay attention to how he listens to you.

A real man will make an effort to understand and remember what you say. When you talk to him, he’ll listen closely and actively engage in the conversation.

5. See if he shows you respect.

If he truly loves you, he will respect and value you. You’d be the first person he calls in the morning and the last person he contacts before going to bed. He’ll always make you a priority and ensure to spend quality time together.