6 Signs That Your Man Might Be Forcing Himself To Love You

Forcing love may seem unlikely, but there are several reasons why a man might pretend to be in love. Perhaps he thinks you’re wonderful and feels that he SHOULD have romantic feelings for you, but something isn’t clicking. Maybe he’s desperate to be in a relationship. Sometimes, men and women don’t even realize they are forcing themselves to love someone.

No matter the reason, pretending to love can be harmful in the long run. While marriages can have their ups and downs, a budding relationship shouldn’t have to endure so much strain if it’s not genuine.

Here are six simple signs that he might be forcing himself to love you:

1. He Asks If You Want a Break

Sometimes, men are just afraid of hurting your feelings and breaking your heart, which makes breaking up a daunting task for them. If he asks whether you want a break, he might be trying to make it seem like it’s your idea to end things.

2. You’re the One Who Initiates Everything

In a happy and strong relationship where both partners truly love each other, effort should come from both sides. If you find that you are the only one doing everything possible to nurture the relationship, it might be time to consider moving on.

3. He Avoids Difficult Topics to Not Upset You

Being in a committed relationship means understanding that difficult conversations are part of the process. These talks help partners get to know each other better and uphold a happy relationship. If he dodges such discussions, it might mean he doesn’t recognize their importance or isn’t thinking about your future together.

4. He Was Desperate to Be in a Relationship When You Met

Some people dread the idea of being alone. If he is one of those people and seemed desperate for a relationship when you met, chances are the relationship might not succeed. He may just not want to be alone rather than truly loving you.

5. He Tries to Change Normal Things About You

When we genuinely love someone, we accept them as they are. If he can’t tolerate some of your habits or wants to change aspects of your life or appearance, it’s a sign that you need to talk. This behavior might indicate that he doesn’t genuinely love you.

6. He’s Unusually Emotional

If you were friends before starting a romantic relationship and now notice a drastic change in his behavior, something might be amiss. If you have doubts about his feelings, it’s better to discuss them with him rather than suffering in silence. There may be other issues at play that have nothing to do with your relationship.