There’s a lovely young woman in New Zealand who is getting her house redecorated


Once upon a time in New Zealand, there was a lovely young woman who had decided to redecorate her house. Excited about her upcoming project, she met with a builder to discuss her color choices for each room. Little did she know, this meeting would leave her wondering about the builder’s strange behavior.

The woman and the builder started their tour in the dining room. She pondered for a moment and then confidently stated her preference for a nice lilac color. The builder simply nodded, but to her surprise, he abruptly yelled out the window, “GREEN SIDE UP!” This caught her off guard, but she continued to the next room with curiosity.

As they entered the kitchen, the woman expressed her desire for a calming pale blue color. Once again, the builder nodded in agreement before shouting out the window, “GREEN SIDE UP!” Now thoroughly puzzled, the woman couldn’t help but wonder why he kept repeating the same phrase.

Next, they moved on to one of the bedrooms. This time, the woman envisioned a cheerful yellow color to brighten up the space. As always, the builder nodded and, predictably, yelled out the window, “GREEN SIDE UP!” The woman couldn’t contain her confusion any longer and finally turned to the builder for an explanation.

With a mischievous grin, the builder replied, “Oh, don’t worry about that. You see, I’ve got a couple of Aussies laying turf out front!” It suddenly dawned on the woman that the builder’s strange behavior had nothing to do with her color choices. Instead, it was his way of reminding the Australians working outside to lay the turf with the green side facing up.

Amused by the builder’s clever and light-hearted approach, the woman couldn’t help but chuckle. She realized that even though they had some communication misunderstandings, their unique encounter had added an enjoyable twist to her house redecoration process.