The Boy’s Return from School

A young boy returned home from school, feeling quite upset because he received a zero on his geography test.

‘The teacher gave me a zero because I couldn’t answer a question about Portugal,’ he explained to his mother.

His mother, curious, asked, ‘What was the question?’

‘Where is Portugal?’ he replied.

His mother, clearly frustrated, said, ‘That silly teacher, I’m going to call the principal’s office. But first, we will find out where Portugal is.’

She pulled out a map of their state and searched, but couldn’t find Portugal. Then, she grabbed a map of the entire region, but still couldn’t locate Portugal. Finally, she fetched a city map, yet Portugal was nowhere to be found.

She exclaimed, ‘I swear Portugal can’t be too far away.

After all, our maid is from Portugal and she rides her bicycle here to work every day!’

They both realized they had more to learn about geography, and perhaps a little about humor too.