Meet Kanon Tipton, a young and vibrant third-generation Pentecostal preacher who has captured the hearts of millions with his charming talks. Despite being just 4 years old, Kanon’s journey as a preacher began remarkably early. At the tender age of 21 months, he astonished everyone by grabbing a microphone from his grandfather and delivering an enchanting sermon in baby talk.
His father, Damion Tipton, watches with pride as his son, Kanon, continues to captivate audiences. While Damion acknowledges that Kanon is mimicking the seasoned speakers around him, he is convinced that his son possesses a unique and divine gift that goes beyond mere imitation.
Kanon’s performances elicit varied reactions from his audience. Paul Bentley from the Daily Mail can’t help but be charmed by the little preacher, especially when he exclaims, “The Lord is here tonight!” Such moments highlight Kanon’s undeniable appeal.
The editors over at the Huffington Post are equally drawn to Kanon’s emotional and powerful style of preaching. They compare his oratorical skills to those of a veteran preacher, marveling at how someone so young can deliver such an engaging message.
However, not everyone is entirely convinced. Diane Werts from Newsday expressed her reservations in a National Geographic Channel program that focused on young preachers. She shared her doubts about the authenticity of Kanon’s enthusiasm, pondering if these “Stars for Jesus” are being influenced or directed by their parents. This skepticism invites viewers to tune into the program and make their own judgments.