The liver is a very important organ, but also quite vulnerable. When it encounters problems, your body will often send you distinct signals. However, these signals can sometimes be ignored, leading to delays in detection and treatment.
1. Itchy Skin

During the summer, it’s common to experience itchy skin due to mosquito bites or hot weather. However, persistent itching without a clear cause, especially at night, could be a sign of liver disease. If you notice intense itching, it’s important to stay alert, as this could be linked to liver issues.
The liver plays a crucial role in secreting bile, which aids in digestion. When the liver is diseased, it can produce excess bile, which then accumulates in the gallbladder and precipitates. This substance can then circulate in the bloodstream and irritate the nerves under the skin, leading to itching.
2. Itchy Eyes

Your eyes can indicate the health of your liver. If you spend a lot of time working on a computer or using a phone, you might experience eye strain, which can make your eyes dry and itchy. Normally, resting your eyes should alleviate these symptoms.
However, if your eyes are itchy even when you’re not under visual stress, this could be a warning signal. Persistent eye itching without a clear reason can be a strong indicator of liver trouble.