Have you ever wondered why doctors and surgeons dress in green or blue robes when they perform surgery? It’s not just a trend or a nice outfit choice. There’s actually a very important medical reason behind it. If you’ve ever visited a hospital, this might have crossed your mind, and today, we will delve into the rationale behind it.
1. Wearing green or blue clothing during surgery improves doctors’ visual clarity.
When a surgeon focuses on the color red for extended periods, such as the color of blood during surgery, the red signal in the brain starts to fade. This makes it difficult for the doctor to see the patient’s anatomy clearly. Since blue and green are colors that enhance visual clarity, they are preferred in surgical settings. Essentially, looking at these colors more often helps the doctors maintain a sharp and clear vision of the surgical area.
2. It helps reduce the likelihood of surgical errors.
Enhanced visual clarity from seeing blue or green makes doctors more sensitive to the variations in the red shades they encounter. This heightened sensitivity ensures that surgeons can better distinguish different tissues and blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of mistakes during an operation. The enhanced ability to differentiate these colors means doctors are less likely to make errors in identifying parts of the anatomy, which is crucial for successful surgeries.