Dad Hires Repairman To Fix Furnace, Sees Shocking Note About His Baby On The Bill

It was an incredibly joyful day for Jesse and Marie Hulscher, a couple from Willmar, Minnesota. They had just welcomed their precious newborn, Adler, into the world and were excited to share life’s journey with him. However, their happiness was soon shadowed by an unfortunate event – their furnace broke down. This was particularly alarming as a heavy snowstorm was forecasted to hit their area, potentially engulfing them in a blanket of cold, white snow.

“Instantly, I panicked,” shared Jesse with FOX 9. “We had a two-year-old in the house, a newborn coming home in a couple of days, and a major snowstorm on its way.”

With the blizzard just a few days away and Adler’s arrival coinciding with the storm, Jesse realized he needed to act fast to get the furnace repaired. On the day Adler was born, Jesse left his wife and newborn at the hospital to return home and address the urgent furnace issue.

Out of sheer desperation, Jesse called Magnuson Sheet Metal. He candidly shared his predicament, emphasizing the urgency of getting the furnace fixed to ensure his newborn wouldn’t have to face the harsh Minnesota winter.

“He mentioned that the fan wasn’t working, the furnace was down, his wife was in the hospital, and they had just had a baby the previous day,” recalled Magnuson co-owner Craig Aurand. “I assured him to stay calm. We’ll be right there.”

Manguson promptly dispatched a technician to Jesse’s home. The repairman arrived as promised and quickly restored the furnace to full operation. Jesse’s relief and gratitude were immense knowing their home was warmed-up and their baby safe from the impending storm.

When Jesse relayed the good news to Maria, they both felt an enormous sense of relief. Their newborn Adler wouldn’t have to endure the cold Minnesota weather so soon after his birth.

All that remained was to settle the bill for the repairs. But when Jesse opened the invoice, he was in for a surprise.

“I opened it up and looked at the receipt, and it said, ‘No charge, take care of the new baby,’” Jesse said.

Maria was equally stunned, saying, “I was like, what? No. This can’t be real. And he’s like, ‘I know, I can’t believe it either.’”

The couple shared a photo of this heartwarming note on Facebook, where it quickly went viral.

“Can’t thank them enough for the great service, speedy response time, and amazing technicians. Businesses like this earn customers for life!” Jesse wrote in his post.

Although Magnuson Sheet Metal gained positive press, Craig Aurand assured the Hulscher family that their gesture was purely out of kindness.

“We didn’t do it for the PR. We just did it to be good people. That’s it. Just to be nice to these people,” Craig said. “That’s what this is about.”

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