You’ve Got Some Seriously Good Eyes if You Can Figure Out Which Building is Closer in This Viral Photo

Optical illusions have a knack for playing tricks on our brains, and the latest one to hit the internet has left many scratching their heads.

An optical illusion is a fascinating image that deceives or misleads our senses.

These illusions take advantage of how our brain processes color, light, and patterns, making us see an image that differs from reality.

Take, for instance, a simple picture of six women sitting on a couch. At first glance, you might spend ages wondering why it looks like there are only five pairs of legs.

Optical illusions use colors, light, and patterns to trick the brain into perceiving an image that differs from reality.

Now, a picture of two overlapping skyscrapers has gone viral on Reddit, seriously messing with people’s vision.

On the Confusing_Perspective forum, a user asked: “Which building is closer?”

At first, it seems like a straightforward question.

Initially, you might assume that the lighter-colored building on the right is nearer. However, many believe that the one on the left is closer.

The more you look at it, the more perplexed you become.

One person simply responded: “The one in front,” while others delved into why the image is so puzzling.

Which building do you think is closer?

“This is one of the best illusions I’ve ever seen,” wrote one user. “At first, I thought it was the right building, but then I realized it was the left. Even then, the buildings seemed to take turns popping into the foreground.

“I have to look at the right building’s edge where it angles (to the right), which is smaller than the left building’s edge, to sort of force the image to stay still in my mind.”

Another noted: “If you look closely, the building on the left clearly overlaps the one on the right.”

A third added: “Great illusion, but those glass balconies just don’t hold up to scrutiny.”

Yet another explained: “The shadow tells the answer. The building on the right has a shadow on its right side where it curves around a corner. The sun is up and to the left, shining on the side of the left building.”

Honestly, I’m still a tad confused, but it’s fun to see how everyone comes to their conclusions.

Let’s just say, if you can figure out which building is closer, you’ve got seriously good eyes!