Ask a doctor: ‘I swallowed a bug — now what should I do?’

What to Know About the Potential Risks and What to Do After It Happens

Most people have experienced that moment of discomfort when they realize a bug has wound up where it shouldn’t be — in their windpipe.

That includes Taylor Swift, who on more than one occasion has accidentally swallowed a bug while performing on stage in front of thousands of people.

It can be a startling and somewhat disgusting occurrence — but is this dangerous, or just a nuisance?

Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a quadruple board-certified physician in California, discussed the impact of accidentally swallowing a bug — and the best thing to do if it happens. (Sleepoplis)

Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a board-certified physician based in California, shared with Fox News Digital the true impact of accidentally swallowing a bug and the best steps to take if it occurs.

“Swallowing a bug can often happen accidentally when you’re eating or drinking outside, or if a bug flies into your mouth,” Dasgupta, who serves as chief medical advisor for Fortune Recommends, told Fox News Digital via email. “It can also happen if you’re talking or laughing outdoors. Sometimes it might even happen indoors if bugs are in your food or drink and you don’t realize it.”

“Swallowing a bug can happen accidentally when you’re eating or drinking outside, or if a bug flies into your mouth,” the doctor told Fox News Digital. (iStock)

Fortunately, swallowing a bug is usually not dangerous, according to Dr. Dasgupta. “The stomach’s digestive acids usually break down the bug, and it is passed out of the body without causing harm,” he explained.

If the bug carries harmful bacteria or parasites, however, it could cause gastrointestinal issues or allergic reactions, depending on the bug type. For example, bugs like beetles or ants are usually less of a concern, but disease-spreading bugs such as mosquitoes can be riskier.

Taylor Swift has announced the accidental swallowing of bugs, mid-concert, on more than one occasion. (Marcelo Endelli/TAS23/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)

Drinking some water can help wash down a swallowed bug, Dasgupta said. However, if you start feeling unwell, such as experiencing abdominal pain, vomiting, or nausea, you should monitor your symptoms. Severe stomach pain, ongoing vomiting, trouble breathing, or signs of allergic reactions like swelling, rash, or itching are red flags to see a doctor immediately.

Some bugs — including grasshoppers, beetles, termites, mealworms, and even stink bugs — are considered edible in certain countries and are prepared and eaten as part of meals, according to WebMD’s website.