50 Of The Most Clever Comebacks Ever Screenshotted (New Pics)

Have you ever thought of the best comeback only after it was too late? Right before bed, while taking a shower, or standing in an elevator, you get your light-bulb moment: “Ahh, why didn’t I think of it before?” The French even came up with a term for that, l’esprit de l’escalier—the spirit of the staircase—and it means that the perfect retort arises only when it doesn’t matter anymore.

However, this does not apply to everyone. A select few have the superpower of coming up with snappy one-liners on the spot, and the r/CleverComebacks subreddit is the site to go for these legendary comments. As the moderators put it, “If someone just got shown up, this is the place to post it.”

So make sure to scroll down and enjoy some of the best clever comebacks that people have screenshotted and shared. And if you can’t get enough of snappy comebacks, make sure to check out similar collections!

He Was Asking For It!

What a prick. I’m against violence, but that idiot was screaming for it.

If you’d like to share a post on the “Clever Comebacks” subreddit page, there’s a few rules you need to follow. Firstly, you should know what a witty comment is. According to the moderators, it’s “responses to someone that, for lack of a better word, roasts them.” Also, baseless insults, tasteless jokes, “no, u” style replies are what they call garbage content, and nobody likes them.

Bless This Woman

Bless her indeed.

Not Be A Baby Machine

“the transformed wife”? “godly womanhood”? Gosh, that lady is so brainwashed, it’s sparkling inside her head.

This Always Makes Me Laugh

As much as I don’t like a lot of PETA’s ways of doing things, this reply did make me laugh.

It Was Social Distancing Haha

Clearly this person got their prehistoric knowledge from watching The Flintstones.

They Don’t Give A Damn

Can I interest you in some fairtrade organic aloe for that… BURN?!?!?!

Oof. That Burn Needs Some Love

*opens a GoFundMe for aloe vera purchases at Walgreens*

German History Lesson

– printing press

– light bulb

– telephone

– tape recorder

– turntable

– mp3

– tv

– first freely programmable computer

– generator

– automobile

– jet engine

– helicopter

– jeans

– toothpaste

– periodic table of elements

– theory of relativity

– x-rays

– nuclear fission

– bacteriology

– aspirin

Just to name a few.

A Punchline From Twitter, Does This Count As A Meme?

Let’s not forget the brands that make clever comebacks a key part of their communication with customers. One obvious example is the fast-food chain Wendy’s and their made-up social media holiday—National Roast Day. Their communications team does not hold back when it comes to witty replies in their social channels. The question is, do the customers actually value it?

Someone Needs A Refresher On Anatomy

So THAT’S how his wife explained all those kids, even if he never had sex with her while awake!

That’s A Good Proof


Got Roasted By A Police Twitter

It’s so awful when the police murder someone like this.

It Is Funny But True

check which one is magnetic

Yep May Be It Is True

It’s not illegal to seek asylum. Also, documented immigrants have lower rates of committing violent, property, or drug crimes than native-born citizens. Undocumented immigrants have rates even lower than them. The anti-immigrant, xenophobic fear-mongering that happens here is ridiculous and repulsive.

Whatever Your Weakness, There’s A Hellion To Exploit It

do you think Jeff has anymore d*** rockets? I need to get off this planet, permanently

Most Of Us Are Too

It’s just a food baby 😂

Elon Musk Gets Destroyed By Facts And Logic

Space doesn’t represent hope for me though-

Simple Math Too Hard

Well, math isn’t his strong suit

Lastly, for a clever comeback to be considered great, it has to be honest.