12 Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Efficiently Without Breaking the Bank

Summer is just around the corner, and as temperatures rise, so do our electric bills. Fortunately, there are several ways to make sure your air conditioner runs efficiently, saving both energy and money.

Air conditioners are a double-edged sword. On one hand, they keep us cool and protected from the sweltering heat. On the other, they contribute to global warming and rising temperatures. Thankfully, with a few easy steps, you can keep your family comfortable while also being kind to our planet.

1. Unclog the Air Conditioner

Start by cleaning all the vents and piping in your air conditioning system to prevent blockages that can hinder airflow. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, keeping the system clean ensures that air travels freely through your home.

2. Call an Air Conditioner Professional

Having a professional check your air conditioner is a smart move. They can identify any issues such as poor airflow, or faulty pipes and wiring, ensuring your system works efficiently.

3. Keep a Consistent Temperature

Maintaining a steady temperature throughout the day prevents your air conditioner from working overtime during the hottest parts of the day.

4. Increase the Temperature

Instead of setting your thermostat to a chilly 65 degrees, opt for around 70 degrees. This small change can reduce energy usage by about 20%, benefiting both your wallet and the environment.

5. Turn off the Air Conditioner

Summer nights can be hot, but there are often weeks before and after the peak heat when night temperatures are comfortable. Turn off the air conditioner at night and open the windows if possible. Also, turn it off when no one is home to give it a break. If you live in extremely hot areas, consider setting the thermostat to 70 degrees to avoid damaging items like candles and hygiene products.

6. Note the Time of Day

Energy usage spikes in the afternoon and early evening when temperatures peak and people are home. To save energy, spend afternoons at cooler places like a local river, lake, or community swimming pool while waiting for the sun to set.

7. Close Windows

After enjoying a breezy night with open windows, close them during the day to minimize the amount of heat entering your home from the sun.

8. Close Blinds

Closing blinds during the day helps block out sunlight and prevents your air conditioner from overworking to keep the house cool.

9. Use a Ceiling Fan with the Air Conditioner

Ceiling fans help circulate cool air, making them an excellent supplement to your air conditioner and reducing the need for it to work as hard.

10. Cook with Care

Plan meals that use smaller appliances like microwaves and slow cookers instead of the oven. Cook larger meals early in the day so the house has time to cool down. Cold meals like salads can also help keep your home cooler.

11. Ventilate and Insulate

Proper insulation and ventilation greatly impact air conditioner efficiency. Seal any cracks or holes and use weatherstripping to prevent air from escaping. This applies to all parts of your home, including attics, basements, and porches with storage areas.

12. Consider a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat may cost more initially, but it’s highly energy-efficient. These thermostats offer programmable features, such as turning off or adjusting the temperature when you’re not home, to suit your family’s needs.