Brittney Griner Wants To Be Called “Pops” By Her Baby, Not “Mom”

Brittney Griner Embraces Parenthood with a Conservative Twist

In a recent heartwarming interview with CBS Sports, WNBA star Brittney Griner and her wife, Cherelle, shared the joyous news of welcoming a new baby boy into their lives. However, the conversation took an interesting turn when Griner expressed her desire to be referred to as “pops” rather than “mom,” signifying her preference for a more masculine parental role.

The couple received their bundle of joy earlier this month but chose to keep the news private initially. During the interview, the topic of motherhood naturally arose, prompting the interviewer to ask Griner about her feelings on becoming a “mom.” Griner quickly interjected, making it clear that she preferred the title “pops.”

“I think there’s probably one other job that you’re about to get into that is really hard and really scary. You’re about to be a mom. How is that feeling?” asked the reporter. Griner responded decisively, “Pop, pops, pops.” The interviewer, respecting her preference, continued, “Please tell me how exciting that is for you and what you’re looking forward to most.”

Griner shared her excitement, saying, “I’m super excited. Well, I mean, I guess I’ll just drop it. He’s here. So he’s here, yes, 7/8/24, yeah, seven pounds, eight ounces. Yeah, that’s my man. He is amazing. They say, you know, as soon as you see him, it’s just like everything that you thought mattered just goes out the window. And that’s literally what happens. It kind of sucks because I got to leave, you know, but at the same time. Yeah, he’ll understand. He’ll understand.”

The American Tribune has previously reported on Griner’s anticipation toward parenthood, especially following her return to the United States after being imprisoned in Russia. During an interview with former U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team player Megan Rapinoe, Griner stated, “Screw the championships and all the trophies and all that; that’s going to be the highest peak of my life right there.”

Griner also shared her eagerness to pass down the life lessons her father taught her. “I can’t wait to go fishing and off-roading and teach them everything my dad taught me, them coming to me for advice and watching them learn something or figure something out for the first time. That’s going to be the biggest joy,” she said.

Her overseas imprisonment served as a catalyst for deciding to have children. “We had talked about having kids before this happened,” she said. “I’m glad we waited because it would’ve destroyed me even more — destroyed us even more — if we had a little one back here while she’s fighting to try to get me out. But when I got back, we were like, ‘Tomorrow’s not guaranteed. We need to stop playing around with time. We need to do this.’”

The couple’s decision to expand their family marks a significant and joyful new chapter in their lives. “We wanted a new chapter of our life. I knew I was going to be done with playing overseas, so we pulled the trigger on it,” Griner explained. “We’ve got a little boy on the way, Bash Raymond Griner, and I’m super excited for this next chapter of my life. Anybody who knows me knows I love kids. I’ve always been right there with my nieces, my nephews. I just love family time. The country, down South side of me comes out.”

In a world where traditional family values are often overlooked, it’s refreshing to see Griner embracing a role that reflects her personal beliefs and upbringing. As she steps into her new role as “pops,” she sets an example of prioritizing family and personal authenticity. This conservative twist on modern parenthood is not just a statement, but a testament to the enduring importance of family values.